Example sentences of "and that [pron] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Net change , forty five million pounds and that we regard as one of the most satisfying outcomes for the year .
2 Erm by insuring that direct line , and that we have training facilities here which are part of the social contract , and that we have er investment , through regional investment , in this particular area , then we can create jobs that suit the skills that we 've er made available to the general population , and that we got through that rail link a direct line access to all the markets within Europe , which is going to expand , er not withstanding my objections , from the twelve to the sixteen and right the way through to Russia .
3 It is known that the Lombard King Alboin brought his army and then his people on to the plain in 568 , and that they met with little resistance as the Goths had almost vacated the area by that time .
4 The principal obstacle was Jackson ; as in Tokyo , Americans believed that Australian representatives were too radical in their political sympathies and that they worked against American policies .
5 And that something according to three simultaneous reports in Proceedings of US National Academy of Sciences ( vol 79 , p 7824 , 7837 and 7842 ) , may be a chromosomal rearrangement .
6 It is very sad to report that the entire actuarial staff of the Society was in bed before midnight and that everyone appeared with rosy complexion and clear eyes the following morning …
7 I knew that I possessed a sidereal compass and that I belonged to another world .
8 It is only that I live in Dresden and that I fight like this that keeps me sane .
9 This has not prevented accusations that Bantam shamefully exploited my illness and that I cooperated with this by allowing my picture to appear on the cover .
10 My right hon. and learned Friend will understand that the west midlands conurbation , lying as it does in a landlocked area , is responsible for the bulk of the country 's manufacturing industry , and that it depends on adequate and improving road conditions .
11 More important was that German and Italian aid tended to arrive on request , and especially when most needed following Nationalist setbacks or preceding major pushes ; that it was channelled through Franco as Nationalist leader and not , as with Soviet aid to the Republic , through a political faction ; and that it came on easy credit terms with no political strings attached .
12 Until comparatively recently there was a general belief or tacit agreement within the community that the later years of life were a time of " all passion spent " — that sex stopped or should stop with the menopause in women and that it continued into later years only in old men who were awarded the epithet " dirty " .
13 Depositors and liquidators of the failed bank served writs claiming both that the Bank fluffed its legal duty to regulate and supervise BCCI , and that it acted in bad faith , an accusation designed to bypass its broad legal immunity from prosecution .
14 The theory , as eventually set forth ( 1868 ) , was constituted by two theses : that the generative material comes from all over the parent body or bodies , and that it consists of minute ‘ gemmules ’ budded off from every part .
15 We have seen that he personally undertook the defences of the south coast when the king campaigned in the North , and that he wrote in warm praise of the king 's energy and practical wisdom , and ordered prayers for his protection against the malice of evil men who hated the king s good qualities .
16 Only later did it emerge that the Germans had supported his candidature for the post of High Commissioner in Danzig , and that he had since 1920 been on very friendly terms with Baron Ernst von Wiesäker , the head of the political section of the German Foreign Office .
17 She asked after you and was pleased when I told her how well your business was doing and that you seemed in good spirits since she said she had been anxious for you .
18 She had told him that Brenda was obsessively vegetarian , and that she longed for red meat : would he take her out ?
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