Example sentences of "and i [verb] [vb pp] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd felt powerless when I was abused as a child and I 'd felt the same powerlessness with the bank manager .
2 On this occasion the N1 cam was to the right of centre and I 'd knitted the right side of the neck correctly , with no problem .
3 I had made my decision and I 'd taken the first step .
4 Eyes looking back and I 'd got the old bit moving all the time keeping , he said righto get out , you 're leading me , they were too pleased to get rid of them .
5 I have in the last couple of lectures erm outlined or tried to outline erm Locke 's basic decision erm his concept of how we as individuals are related to nature , to each other and I 've emphasised the crucial importance of this notion of how we are related to God .
6 She said , ‘ Come to my dinner party ’ , and she said ‘ Why not ? ’ , and she said , ‘ Beuno will be here and the Molesworth are coming , and I 've asked the two girls who are staying at Ty Fach . ’
7 And I 've disabled the Tertiary Controls , of course .
8 And I 've reached the grim forties , ’ said Masha , pouting her lush red lips .
9 Many 's the time I 've been with people whose eyes glazed over when I 've said I was a feminist and I 've done the same with people who say they love to play golf .
10 And I 've eaten the other nana .
11 And I 've seen the old man in this state before .
12 And I 've lost the second one .
13 And I 've got the standard cost here I need to get up .
14 Yes and I 've got the smelly straw now .
15 I 've got the narrow and I 've got the thick .
16 And I 've got the very task for her ! ’
17 ‘ Look , if I live next door to an enemy and he has a knife , a gun and a machine gun and I 've got the same , I 'm not going to chuck mine before he chucks his .
18 resources and her own houses in America , and I 've got the same thing here .
19 I took on this franchise 2 years ago and I 've got the same amount of customers now as I had then .
20 I have fished some of the best salmon water , giving the damned fish every opportunity to outwit me , and I 've caught the odd one here and there .
21 And I had locked the back door .
22 We had held the reception at the melin , and I had conceived the pretty idea of decorating it throughout with wild flowers .
23 Partly I bad believed for reasons which were extraneous , and I had used the emotional commitment I had found in this to cover for a lack of genuine commitment .
24 It was the one shared walk of the Rambles and I had forgotten the golden rule when introducing someone to the hills , never to stretch them beyond their ability .
25 As you must know , Barbara and I had left the Black Swan before she drowned . ’
26 In recent months I have had the opportunity to go to Kashmir by arrangement with both the Pakistani Government and the Indian Government , and I have seen the profound suffering among Kashmiris of both religions — Hindu and Muslim .
27 Johnson 's superiority complex goes on show : while there , he used the power of his frown and his supervening wit to silence MacAulay 's disregard for the English clergy : ‘ This is a day of novelties : I have seen old trees in Scotland , and I have heard the English clergy treated with disrespect . ’
28 Forced to reply the following July to acknowledge a sum of fifty francs from Theo , he said grimly that he was writing ‘ with some reluctance ’ because ‘ you have become a total stranger to me , and I have become the same to you . ’
29 I use it for a wide sleeve gathered in at the bottom and I have knitted the main part of the garment with a 2x1 welt .
30 So I have to say that though I at this moment very close to this in the smallest county of England I have also had experience in three other major counties in mainland England er and I have found the same experience the difficulty of finding people who will even be councillors or magistrates , let alone these other jobs that the er that the er Home Secretary seeks to find .
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