Example sentences of "and for [art] [noun sg] [that] be " in BNC.

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1 Before that scene came along , it was quite hard to go out on your own and meet new people , and for a while that was possible .
2 For the empty command of a gang of thugs and for a government that 's just using you . ’
3 Now he is in a world where it 's nothing to fly to the Bahamas for a conference — and for a conference that 's probably not even going to be in the Bahamas ; a world where very high-class girls ring up uninvited and try to make you feel at home .
4 For us , the Ceramics Fair has always made money and for a dealer that is the most important reason to return year after year .
5 And for the anthropologist that is all that matters .
6 For the most part , the growth of this dome was accompanied by intermittent Vulcanian activity , responsible for the loud explosions heard in St Pierre and for the ash that was showered down on the town before and after the fateful 8 May .
7 That way we will achieve more in the period and for the money that is available .
8 Whatever was to happen in the future , she loved and was loved and for the moment that was enough .
9 The Government , together with their European partners , should go immediately to the Security Council of the United Nations and call , in the first instance , for full and effective sanctions against the Serbian Government , including an oil embargo ; and for the authority that is necessary to allow the Community to take whatever further measures , including military measures , may be necessary to bring about an end to the Serbian Government 's aggression should Lord Carrington 's latest efforts fail .
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