Example sentences of "and for [art] [noun sg] [pron] be " in BNC.

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1 Research on HDN in foals is still therefore wide open , and for a change there is the prospect of animals benefiting from advances made in the study of human medicine .
2 Bankruptcy stared the Nazis in the face , and for a while they were so desperate that they actually considered introducing the zloty as a way of stabilising the currency and restoring calm .
3 And for a while there were , until staff no longer bothered turning up for them , and the practice was quietly abandoned .
4 ‘ You must be mad , insane , ’ Agnes almost yelled at her , only to clap a hand over her mouth and glance towards the door as if expecting it to open and her mother to appear ; and for a while there was silence between them , except for the slight moaning sound coming from Jessie .
5 He seemed totally absorbed in his task of steering the boat , and for a while there was a silence broken only by the sound of Water Gypsy 's diesel engine .
6 I held them off with steelies and stones , and they fired back with air-guns , and for a while it was quite exciting , but then Mrs Clamp came with the weekly messages and threatened to call the police , and after calling her a few nasty names they left .
7 Ben sped from the blocks with his usual electric start in the final , and for a while I was behind Desai Williams , but then I started to come through strongly .
8 Then he lowered her to the ground and shifted over her , and for a second it was like it had been before and fear touched her , but then his lips came down and brushed her mouth , and she was lost .
9 It was quite dark when Breeze let herself into the house , and for a second she was dazzled by the electric light , and failed to see the suitcases in the hall .
10 She was very angry , and for a minute I was afraid .
11 Ramsey was sent to two dames ' schools in succession but learnt so little that his parents took him away and for a year he was taught at home by his mother .
12 and for a treat he 's taking her to the , er nostalgic weekend at
13 Nicholson saw them around Sunset Strip and for a time they were joined by Elvis Presley , who had seen Rebel Without a Cause forty-four times and could speak Dean 's lines word perfect .
14 The only other event at Huntingdon that I recall with any clarity was when I had my first ever flight in an aircraft — and for a time I was quite determined that it was going to be my last .
15 It destroyed him and for a time he was engulfed by a deep chasm of despair , drinking heavily , taking amphetamines and LSD — and he was in his sixteenth year of smoking marijuana .
16 In Australia , all launching is done this way , and for a time it was common in the U.S.A. The disadvantages , however , of the low tow position are as follows .
17 ‘ This Is Boys Wonder 's Lonely Hearts Club Band ! ’ wails Ben midway through the encore , and for a moment we 're transported to Las Vegas .
18 ‘ This Is Boys Wonder 's Lonely Hearts Club Band ! ’ wails Ben midway through the encore , and for a moment we 're transported to Las Vegas .
19 I hand him the agreed fee , in dollars , and for a moment we are suspended , directionless , outside his office .
20 Helen put her arm round his waist , and for a moment they were silent and companionable .
21 He closed his mouth down around hers , and for a moment she was too stunned to react .
22 He lifted the soiled nightdress up over her unresisting shoulders and head , and for a moment she was naked , bursting breasts , strangely risen navel , arms and legs fragile and ineffectual beside the central weight .
23 The sheer effrontery of it made her gulp her fiery mouthful unthinkingly , and for a moment she was doubly speechless .
24 And for a moment she was thrown .
25 Belinda heard Deana 's hissing intake of breath , and for a moment she was tempted to lay a hand on Dr Russell 's arm in an intimate gesture and say , ‘ It sounds perfect , Doctor !
26 The directness of the question startled her , and for a moment she was lost for an answer .
27 The feeling of being pressed against his solid , rock-hard body almost undid her completely , and for a moment she was forced to simply lean against him , her legs all but giving way beneath her .
28 She saw Penry 's eyes on the silver brooch on her shoulder , knew he was remembering their time together on the island , and for a moment she was tempted to throw herself into his arms , to assure him that nothing mattered as long as he loved her , Leonora Fox , not Melanie .
29 Then he looked up and for a moment he was so amazed that he forgot the misery .
30 His weapon snagged in the cloak , and for a moment he was vulnerable .
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