Example sentences of "and went [to-vb] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I donned a tie and went to call on the manager of the Sudan Air office in the guise of an Important Person .
2 Jean left home at 16 and went to live with a friend .
3 so the engagement was broken off and then after that she sort of she went to live in a flat , she left home and went to live in a flat and she 's been up and down
4 After two years of this , Miss D'Armande remembered , Miss Ray suddenly left the theatre and went to live in the country .
5 Her mother divorced Ipuky and went to live in the north of the country with one older son .
6 ‘ So I got Laura Parslow to help me , and went to live in the East End , and the only work I could find , being such a fine lady and quite untrained , was as a maid-of-all-work , a skivvy , which I was by day , and wrote my column at night , when my work was over . ’
7 In May 1987 the debtor , who had carried on the business of running a nursing home , sold the business as a going concern and went to live in the Canary Islands .
8 The girl 's father could make no further objection , so the two of them were married directly , and went to live in the forest .
9 They escaped from the toy shop , and went to live in the market building , in the middle of the square .
10 Athelstan felt angry and went to kneel before the statue of the Virgin , praying for Meg and the evil bastard who had sent her soul unshriven out into the darkness .
11 They left the hospital and went to wait for the bus .
12 Anna Harland left the prison and went to talk to the police .
13 I gave it a wide berth and went to sit on the rug , but of course it had gone so I sat on one of the chairs instead , had a good long wash and settled down for a nap .
14 Then , remembering herself , she slipped off her dress and went to lie on the bed .
15 ‘ If you would but use her , ’ said David , and turned his back and went to stare from the window at the frosty strand and the shifting , misty sea .
16 Panna 's mother , fearing the consequences , left the village with the baby and went to stay with a cousin fifty kilometres away .
17 So I left , and went to stay at a friend 's .
18 He pushed back his chair , and went to change into the evening clothes that Chambers had laid out for him .
19 As the eldest son , Father shortened his education — or had it shortened for him — and went to help in the family business .
20 Luke pushed back his chair impatiently and went to stand at the window , looking down , his back towards her .
21 Adam climbed in and went to stand in the prow , eyes fixed once more on the island .
22 She stepped into the room and went to stand by the armchair where he had so carelessly thrown his coat .
23 Instead she got up and went to look at the Labrador .
24 The whole train stopped while he jumped down from the dome car and went to look at the laggard .
25 The stricken suitor followed the tradition laid down in these matters and went to look for a fight .
26 He switched off the little girl on Terry Wogan and went to look for the Sturgeon .
27 She sprang to her feet and went to look in the mirror in the hall .
28 The aunt noticed , and went to look in the shed again .
29 Garvey stopped the pageant and went to peer through the grille .
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