Example sentences of "and put them [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Following the surrender period there will be a three-month-long spell to detect those carrying knives and put them before the courts , ’ he said .
2 And they carry them in the rubbers and put them in the mangers .
3 ‘ And I was walking past the T-shirt stall and this girl I know who does Jesus Jones ' T-shirts ran over to me and said , This guy wants to talk to you — he wants to talk to you — he wants to buy the rights for that T-shirt and put them in the shops !
4 ‘ And I was walking past the T-shirt stall and this girl I know who does Jesus Jones ' T-shirts ran over to me and said , This guy wants to talk to you — he wants to talk to you — he wants to buy the rights for that T-shirt and put them in the shops !
5 And as I recall as a child there were well over a hundred ponies down Pit at that time , because during the nineteen twenty one strike they brought them all up to the surface and put them in the fields and I used to go with my father to sort of look after them .
6 We used to hunt rats in the basement and put them in the traps , when I was a lad . ’
7 There were these huge plants in disintegrating tubs , so I said : ‘ We must get concrete blocks and put them round the tubs , so they can just fall apart inside ’ . ’
8 " This Meeting recommend to the Collector to procure from the County town Models of the Imperial Weights and measures , and to put them in the hands of Samuel Lamont , who is appointed to ascertain that all weights and measures within the Island be corrected and marked by the standard . "
9 Yeah , we went through these stories , and tried to link all different things they go under , got attitudes , weight , sex , exploitation , memories , mother and child relationships , old fashioned settings , aspirations , working women , ageism , husband and wife , loneliness , change , working in middle upper classes , racism and grief , and then , we started again , through the stories giving numbers , and putting them under the headings we thought they came under , but the thing is , we 've got a lot of them under all , well not all the headings , but a couple of the headings .
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