Example sentences of "and come back [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 About a week later , I finished work early one day and came back to the house .
2 Stephen had a meeting with the shop steward the following morning at 8.30 , and came back to the house afterwards shouting to Victor the butler for strong black coffee .
3 Then he lost his nerve and rushed out of the flat and came back to the house to find me . ’
4 Suddenly , to her relief , the telephone rang , Joanna picked it up , wrote down the message , and came back to the table , looking elated .
5 She headed away into tall grass , hid the baby and came back to the boat for the return trip to Tiger Haven .
6 ‘ One spring I left my noviciate and came back to the farm .
7 Sykes went to Paris a couple of days before you did , and came back on the Monday .
8 Down she went and came back with the cups of tea and slices of cake on a tray .
9 Garry answered it and came back into the kitchen with two policemen .
10 The old woman said something and Simon turned and came back into the room and stood by the deerskin pallet on which Hugh was lying .
11 The other people heard the noise of the shot and came back into the room .
12 Marcus put the thing down without doing any speaking and came back into the room .
13 As David caught sight of her he left the other two and came back into the foyer .
14 ‘ Of course , ’ he said calmly and came back across the room .
15 Her mother of course was aware that fifteen does not relish the solitude that fifty does , and came back from the village one day when Peony had been particularly silent and lumpish , with the news that Mrs Price who kept an antique shop had her grandchildren staying with her , and she was invited to go round and play tennis with them and have tea .
16 Erm , I have I think cousin , erm , who was in the Air Force during the war , and came back from the Air Force with a child .
17 Goshawk Squadron flew all that day , and came back from the patrols badly mauled .
18 ‘ You went out and came back by the yard door ? ’
19 and we 're , we 're going on the Friday afternoon and coming back on the Monday afternoon .
20 And then coming down from a point on King Street just to the left of the existing tree , if you can imagine that , and coming back across the marketplace
21 And coming back from the sea , laden with fish for their young , they can only find safety in their nest holes .
22 She was out every evening , sometimes staying away all night and coming back in the afternoon only to tart herself up for the next evening away .
23 Listen , have you got to stay on at the track , or is it possible for you to leave and come back to the hotel ? ’
24 Loreto did try and come back into the game , but they relied on the breakaway too much with Barnwell and O'Neill always on their own , and lacking the support necessary to cause problems for Portadown .
25 And come back to the Vicarage and have tea with me .
26 However , it got so bad one day — I think he had been discussing this with his father because he used to go home sometimes at the weekends and come back to the flat on Monday — and he came in one day and said , ‘ OK , it 's going to be cabaret ’ .
27 ‘ Obviously , as a Liverpool fan , you have to be worried but I 'm perfectly hopeful that we 'll get through this and come back as the force that we always have been . ’
28 twisted , warped , it 's in a sense it 's exactly the same as the circle , you know you draw the circle it 's a line that starts there and goes perfectly round and comes back to the starting point , it 's exactly the same as that , but it 's been pushed out at the edges , it 's been dented in here , it 's not recognisable now as that same circle , although it 's what it is , and you see what , what has happened is although we 've sinned , although we 've come short of God 's plan , God has n't destroyed the whole thing , he could so easily just taken up the human life and crumple it up and thrown it on the heap , said finished with them , ca n't be bothered , I 'll start all over again with new people , I 'll have a new creation , well he did have a new creation , but he kept that same creation , he said I 'm gon na work on it , I 'm gon na do something with it , I 'm gon na restore it , I 'm gon na ransom it , I 'm gon na redeem it , I 'm gon na make it again , not just like it was , but I 'm gon na make it even more wonderful and more beautiful .
29 In the end , of course , the theory is that the bird gets used to the food being there and comes back at the wag of a finger .
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