Example sentences of "and come [adv prt] with a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Trist and his colleagues were invited to study the problem and to come up with a solution .
2 What we would expect you to do is to consider various alternative methods of pricing and to come out with a recommendation .
3 In the rucksack in which she seemed to keep half her life she burrowed and came up with a biro and writing-pad .
4 There were some who drove straight on , but most wound down their windows or allowed the clowns on their coaches , had a friendly word and came up with a contribution .
5 Hoomey took off as usual , holding his nose , and came up with a shriek that probably carried as far as the bridge party two streets away .
6 Oxford kept their cool though and came up with a winner 5 minutes from time .
7 ‘ I studied the problem and came up with a blueprint .
8 The level of the wine dropped rapidly , and after the meal Carson scrambled around at the bottom of a cupboard and came up with a bottle of port .
9 As he continued to watch her she delved in her brain and came up with a substitute .
10 There are dozens of euphemisms for masturbation , but in the course of her research into the subject Karen Shanor interviewed several hundred sexually active American men and came up with a list of the top ten most common masturbatory fantasies among men :
11 We got a good response and came up with a group of suspects .
12 I thought for a moment and came up with a suggestion that he should give some sort of honour , an OBE or the like , to the cricketer Basil D'Oliveira , who had been shabbily treated by the South African government .
13 She delved into the bag and came up with a packet of pastilles which she began to suck , filling the car with a sickly sweet smell .
14 I was quite interested in erm a study done by a woman , Mary Bolton , erm the actual work that was done and the sexual division of labour within the home , and in fact she looked at some of the previous studies that had been done and came up with a result that actually erm when men did some it was regarded as a lot , of housework , erm and that when you actually went back to count the number of hours and the number of minutes , you discover that men were doing very , very little .
15 A local estate agent carried out his own survey of the property and came up with a figure only about a fifth of the official valuation .
16 The initial research provided nothing , but eventually I discovered the scientific name and came up with a photograph of Synbranchus marmoratus , also known as the Marbled Swamp Eel .
17 Forster searched in a pouch and came up with a glucose sweet .
18 As soon as we arrived , the bass player , Paul ‘ Bassman ’ Riley , took one look at us and came over with a proposition .
19 The sergeant noticed her movement , and came over with a canteen of water , which he offered wordlessly , but with a kind look .
20 At once regretting that she had let herself become riled , she delved into her bag and came out with a bar of soap .
21 ’ Franks opened a drawer of his desk and came out with a polythene bag .
22 Mucking about on the moor like kids will , one of 'em went into the shed and came out with a bundle , all nicely tied up .
23 The father dashed round his vehicle and came out with a camera .
24 Sidney reached in his pocket and came out with a tobacco pouch .
25 He fumbled in his jacket pocket and came out with a tobacco pouch and a pipe and offered the pouch to Wycliffe .
26 The prince scraped up the money they had set aside to repair the roof again and Anna went off to India with some English acquaintances and stayed with the viceroy and came back with a ruby .
27 He went into the small scullery and came back with a pomander , a ball of cloth stuffed with cloves and herbs .
28 Zena Blair went shopping in the Northcott Centre last week and came back with a computer in her trolly .
29 Forne of Skirpenbeck took away the bowl , although that was not his business , and came back with a leg of pork , the burnt seaweed still sticking to it .
30 County were battered and bruised , but they still had a bit of bounce left and came back with a goal from Dean Thomas which sent Nicky Hammond the wrong way , only because it took a deflection .
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