Example sentences of "and some [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The lesson was very strictly controlled although it began with lots of open questioning which stimulated the class to decide where Rome should be founded and some of the reasons for its being in that position .
2 and erm , with all the erm younger men and some of the girls of course er , volunteered for the services
3 I recouped the payment by making garment for friends and some of the girls in the office .
4 It describes everyday experiences , like crossing the Bristol Road , getting lost in University Square , and some of the problems of teaching and researching as a blind scholar .
5 Jo and Maggie and some of the others from work had gone back last week and met them again .
6 We trimmed the majority of the bad language and some of the excesses of violence as well .
7 Many of the later Latin fathers ( and some of the fathers of the Reformation ) tended to see it only as a backdrop to the true meaning of the atonement .
8 BEC courses have also grown in number in recent years and some of the Institutes of Higher Education , for example , offer full-time courses leading to BEC Ordinary National and Higher National Diplomas .
9 Cheshire notes that even so a number of alternating items and structures did not occur frequently enough for a quantitative analysis , and some of the frequencies for the variables which were analysed are very low .
10 The bottom jaw was missing and some of the teeth from the top , but the sockets were there .
11 In this issue of Health Action we highlight some of the challenges that arise in the collection and use of information and some of the experiences of people who are trying to meet those challenges .
12 Before embarking on the exposition of the theoretical model itself , it may be helpful to consider briefly the nature of the theory of economic growth , how it should be interpreted , and some of the sources of controversy .
13 Recognise and talk about the use of word play , eg puns , unconventional spellings etc , and some of the effects of the writer 's choice of words in imaginative uses of English .
14 The proposals of the Labour party , and some of the proposals in the Maastricht social protocol , would be deeply damaging to the industry .
15 Other patrons in those days had included Narbra Hutton and some of the relatives of J Paul Getty .
16 He says when they started they had to improvise and some of the lights on the stage were just tin boxes .
17 There is again some anecdotal evidence that such degrees are less likely to lead on to postgraduate research , and some of the figures in Table 3.2 suggest this ; but such assertions need to be tested empirically .
18 And some of the teachers at the school were horrid .
19 Computer hackers pose a serious threat to the security of computer systems and some of the activities in which they engage are potentially criminal in nature .
20 In fact we now know that Jupiter , Uranus and Saturn have more satellites than was once detectable from Earth-bound telescopes , and some of the moons in the solar system are bigger than planets .
21 There is an argument of increasing popularity with government and some of the advisers to government , that since comprehensive schools are widely seen to do worse for their pupils than selective schools in terms of examination results , and since so many people , if they can afford it , are removing their children from the maintained comprehensive sector to independent schools ( which are broadly speaking selective ) a way must be found for government to supply non-comprehensive schools , in the interests of the country as a whole .
22 Animals are no strangers to ‘ technology ’ and some of the ways in which they use it are surprising as well as being remarkably sophisticated .
23 This chapter will trace some of the changes in the position of young people over the post war period and some of the ways in which sociologists have accounted for them .
24 You know some of the ways we think about the Holy Spirit and some of the ways in which the Holy Spirit helps us .
25 Pevensey Levels probably comprises the most important area of this habitat for nesting birds in Sussex , but the Arun valley , Combe Haven , with its reed beds , and some of the marshes around Rye are also particularly significant and every area is of value .
26 With the advent of computer storage of records , the topic of confidentiality has received considerable coverage and some of the implications of the Data Protection Act , 1984 , are discussed by Keighley ( 1987 ) .
27 From examination of family life and some of the needs of children at home , the next writer , Nigel Parton , moves to the tragic issue of child abuse , a form of adult behaviour which makes some children 's home life a nightmare and which social workers find is one of the most difficult problems they have to address .
28 Local schools entered the competition to design a playground , and some of the ideas in the older age group will actually be put into practice .
29 DEEP , deep down , on a level only recognised by hints and murmurs , an inchoate , undefined sense of oneness , of coterminous identity is growing among some of the peoples and some of the places of the Pacific .
30 The noted cleric had lived in the nearby vicarage and some of the features of that property are reflected in Edelson House , says its present owner and one-time Darlington cricketer , Mr Richard Carter .
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