Example sentences of "and make [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Optimistic views , not shared by Freud , that liberation from sexual prohibitions would eliminate neurosis and make for a healthier society have proved to be wrong .
2 Whatever the colour scheme , whatever the style , these pretty white duvet covers and pillowcases from Lace Lady will fit in like a dream — and make for a good night 's sleep .
3 But which of us , locked behind a desk or in a queue at the supermarket check-out , has not had an overwhelming desire to drop everything , run into the street , hail a passing cab and make for the nearest airport to catch a plane to anywhere ?
4 I lower my pants and make with the magic handle .
5 He stood and made for the other room .
6 When I could make it , I got up and made for the nearest shelter .
7 I indicated my chest and made like the Happy Wanderer up and down the terrace .
8 Collections can be displayed and made into a decorative asset , and if you are a serious collector you can use the room as a quiet retreat to pursue your hobby , cleaning or mending plates , checking hallmarks on silver , valuing new purchases from relevant text books , cataloguing details-whatever might be involved in your particular field .
9 ‘ The glass at CastleCourt is laminated and made to the highest specification .
10 The brush head and handle are easy to clean , and made to the highest safety standards ( both the handle and the recharger unit are completely sealed ) .
11 That relationship was superb and made for an excellent team effort throughout the year , as was evidenced by the fulsome tributes paid to Ian McNeil at the end of his period in office .
12 Yet Iago suddenly wheeled his pony again , and made for the highest point of the ridge , where he could look back over the valley , and see as far as the scattered outer copses and the rim of the forest .
13 In Paris ! ) , then took a growler and made for the first address I had .
14 The leaders — Castle Falis , Princeful , Kapeno , Rondetto and Rutherfords — swept over Becher 's and made for the twenty-third fence , the smallest on the course and , though taken at a left-hand angle , a simple preliminary to the trappy right-angled bend to the left at the Canal Turn .
15 We stomped down the stone steps to collect our sacks and made for the Upper Tier of the crag .
16 She rose gracefully to her feet and made for the front door , with Melissa following .
17 Exulting in her escape , she closed the outer door behind her and made for the great outdoors like a child let out of school .
18 So saying , she thrust the coffee into Jack 's hand and made for the light reading ‘ Ladies ’ , rubbing and muttering as she went .
19 She picked up her things again and made for the dim daylight outside , rather relieved it was n't a bright day .
20 Billy pulled away from his friend 's arm and made towards the empty yard .
21 It is the last exhibit in the show — an alcohol-vapour cloud chamber that displays continuously the tracks of the Earth 's background irradiation and made by the Phywe company , West Germany .
22 Modern chrome dyes are , however , extremely reliable , colour-fast and made in a wide range of attractive colours and shades .
23 So she felt when she allowed herself a journey to London and made like a homing pigeon for the perfumery counters of department stores .
24 Excursions : Liechtenstein , the tiny principality which lies on the Austrian/Swiss border is not too far away and makes for a fascinating destination .
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