Example sentences of "and can only [be] [vb pp] by " in BNC.

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1 Like copepods , these 3–4mm brownish worms thrive in overfed aquaria , and can only be eradicated by syphoning them out at every opportunity , which may take months .
2 The struggle to end capitalist wage labour can not be helped by women opting out and can only be undertaken by a working class that is less divided by male domination than the present one .
3 Dating a rug from its weave and design requires extensive specialist knowledge and can only be undertaken by an expert .
4 Claiming that the landscape was created by farmers and can only be maintained by farming , she added : ‘ Our policies for agricultural support and the environment need to work together , to the mutual benefit of our farming industry and of our countryside . ’
5 Usually it is covert and can only be diagnosed by specifically measuring blood lipids .
6 On the contrary , it must be clear , a priori that in an antagonistic society , a society based on productive and social anarchy , there can not be an uninterrupted development of the forces , for in such a society the laws of equilibrium are and can only be realized by means of continual or recurrent disruptions of the equilibrium .
7 The bulk of this type of enclosure was carried out by formal acts of parliament , but there was much private enclosure , mo.st of which is unrecorded and can only be dated by contemporary maps .
8 Updates to modules and module ranges are achieved by using option 3.5.0 , Relate Modules to SPR , and can only be peformed by the current holder .
9 Suppose , next , that a catastrophe , which will wipe out life on this planet , threatens , and can only be prevented by an expenditure the same as would be needed for that capsule for the slug .
10 It can not be unlocked , and can only be damaged by magical weapons or spells ( T 6 , D 24 due to powerful enchantments ) .
11 Remember that cases which have apparently recovered , can remain as carriers for a considerable time and can only be detected by laboratory isolation from nasal swabs .
12 But he has submitted that non-litigation costs are not subject to taxation and can only be quantified by the taking of an account , with or without supplementary inquiries .
13 The title Architect is protected by law and can only be used by those appropriately qualified and registered .
14 er this rate is fixed and can only be changed by agreement with Brussels er and as we 've seen in the last few years , our normal currency exchange rate has fluctuated quite a lot er and in fact has er become fairly weak , but the green pound has stayed the same so there 's quite a difference between our exchange rate and the green rate .
15 In the case when a clone length is less than that of a repetitive element ( or a total length of a group of adjacent repeats ) , a break in the contig is inevitable and can only be closed by using longer clones which can bridge the repeat .
16 For iron this reaction is written : Iron usually exists in the bivalent ferrous state ( Fe 2 + ; ) in most rock-forming minerals , but it can be converted by oxidation to the trivalent ferric form ( Fe 3 + ; ) with the effect that the neutral charge of the crystal structure is upset and can only be regained by the loss of other cations .
17 Similarly , hiding discrimination against disabled people , population ’ quality control ’ thinking implies that many kinds of disability are inevitable and can only be eliminated by genetic control .
18 Their open-endedness is and can only be captured by a conception whose imprecision makes it uncongenial to real property lawyers , though it plays as important a part in legal doctrine as does the traditional tally of technical terms .
19 Because even in a more refined system there is going to be a stage where issues can not be resolved by analysis or delicate agreement and can only be resolved by crude political battering .
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