Example sentences of "and this [be] [adv] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Hilary , ’ he broke in gently , ‘ you 're soaking wet , cold , upset , and this is neither the time nor the place , but there was a reason — ’
2 the evidence that we 've found out already from C H C is that the operation of the N H S reforms has restrictive patient choice because crucially those referrals to London teaching hospitals which used to made as a matter of course if treatment is unable er , unavailable in Harlow have actually been largely stopped , I got the detailed figures from the purchasing director erm er , recently in the C F C minutes and it shows a miniscule number of patients being referred to London teaching hospitals erm , and this is clearly the reason as this points out in this paper that London teaching hospitals are in serious financial problems and four of them , indeed are being threatened with closure by the Tomlinson report and I think many patients in Harlow would much rather as er , people have pointed out , go to er , Middlesex and U C H , should they still exist than to go to Colchester and er , but this is this a key question , so on the the basis of the this consortium does n't meet those criticisms indeed , make the situation worse I move that we oppose it in principle that Vince reports on that line .
3 A more aggressive attitude , of course , might counsel strategic acquisition and this is clearly an approach favoured by such major European publishers as the Maxwell Communications Corporation , Bertlesmann , Hachette and others .
4 Another area addressed by the survey was the additional assessment , which is a feature of all general SVQs at levels II and III , and this is clearly an issue of concern to some centres .
5 From this definition , assignments of choses in action are excluded and this is also the case with money .
6 At this stage in the play , Anderson displays concern not to infringe the Politeness Principle and this is also the case in scene eight .
7 And this is just a continuation of that that prejudice against those that appear to be living off the state and not justifying their existence and I think it does n't deserve the time that we 've spent on it tonight .
8 And that in fact what we already have in this county is a balance of policies which substantially favour environmental protection and this is just a means of adding another one which is another hurdle for any department to erm to actually er meet .
9 but that 's in Aran and this is just a double knit but
10 And this is just a fact : indeed an introspectible fact , which we can therefore all observe directly for ourselves .
11 Well they 've made it absolutely much more pressing and this is just a drop in the ocean .
12 ‘ Darlington and SouthWest Durham pioneered the concept almost two years ago and this is just an extension of that , ’ said Mr Smith .
13 And this is just the tip of the iceberg — the accident iceberg , that is .
14 and this is just the relative of the averages of prices weighted by base quantities , i.e. equivalent to a weighted version of method 2 .
15 But it is lang 's eclecticism that defines her career , and this is likewise the hallmark of many new country performers .
16 It seems sure to be close and this is probably a race best watched but if forced to pass judgement , a narrow vote is advised for Katabatic .
17 It is certain that bees are very responsive to different tones of the human voice , and this is probably the reason for the country belief that bees are peace-loving beings and will not stay with a quarrelsome family .
18 In all a total of 45 women are recorded as having re-applied for union membership between 1919 and 1934 ( 20 of them in the first two years , 1919 and 1920 ) and this is probably an underestimate .
19 ‘ My own empirical self is becoming more important , ’ he wrote to Barfield , ‘ and this is exactly the opposite of self-love . ’
20 In the end support staff act as information switches and this is exactly the sort of function that can be taken over by electronic data processing .
21 And this is exactly the quality which Wordsworth excels in .
22 You 're waiting and you 're thinking Er and this is particularly the case with a large goods vehicle , you 'll be sitting waiting to go and there 's a lovely gap and you think Can I ?
23 Shareholders , banks and so on do not necessarily tightly constrain managers essentially because they lack enough information to do so , and this is either a result of some problem in the market for information ( e.
24 Although , along the lines suggested by Lyons or Ochs , we may be able to reduce the vagueness by providing lists of relevant contextual features , we do not seem to have available any theory that will predict the relevance of all such features , and this is perhaps an embarrassment to a definition that seems to rely on the notion of context .
25 The answer , in institutional terms , is almost nothing at all — and this is precisely the problem .
26 And this is precisely the conclusion that Evans reaches in his more recent work on the computer industries of Brazil and South Korea ( Evans and Bastos Tigre , 1989 ) .
27 There 's a stretch-steel tension in the normally soothing make-up room , where nine intently concentrating make-up girls are tending the terrified contestants — and this is only a dress-run .
28 I agreed and I put him under training for Mosquito , and to the best of my knowledge ( and this is only a guess ) he did over 70 sorties , got himself at least one DFC , if not two , and became a very worthwhile member of the Pathfinder Force .
29 So my suggestion and this is only a suggestion , the beards which in the past have been interpreted as a kind of erm epigrammatic signal , in other words a kind of erm sign on the face of the male as they 're deceived , my guess is that , th that beards may actually have evolved to protect the throat because erm the critical thing in , in killing somebody is to block the , the windpipe and that 's and in fact even , even lions do this , you saw in the film when a lion kills an antelope or something , he does n't go to all the trouble of making horrible gashes , he grabs the , the windpipe and holds on until the antelope or whatever it is is just er
30 It shows that on these given presuppositions it is little wonder that there is some doubt , and this is only the beginning of it .
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