Example sentences of "and at [art] [adj] time an " in BNC.

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1 Raskolnikov is young , preoccupied and merely puzzled — ‘ young , abstract and therefore cruel ’ , the severe voice of the novel descries him elsewhere — but the reader attends in tragic wonder , for he understands that Marmeladov has indeed nowhere to go , a nowhere which is the finality of his loose end , at once in character , at once personal to the selfish selfless rationale of one man 's marriage and his other circumstances , personal to his ‘ destitution ’ or ‘ extremity ’ or ‘ misère ’ ( nishcheta , which he is careful to distinguish from his poverty ) , and at the same time an objective and transpersonal theme running through all Dostoevsky 's work .
2 There seems to be a common thread here — a desire to rise above northern grim limits into a world of sleek , cosmopolitan opportunity , and at the same time an anxiety to retain one 's roots .
3 Neither a sociological nor a psychological type , he represents an assemblage of mental attitudes , providing a kind of vade-mecum and at the same time an ironic counterpoint to the anxieties of a public that is presumed by the book itself to have lost faith in totalizing explanations and englobing narratives .
4 The union agreement relevant to this case contained provisions for a shortened working week and at the same time an increase in monthly salary for full-time employees .
5 An uncomfortable inner part appears , and at the same time an awkward leap across the strings between the last semiquaver of bar 4 and the first of bar 5 in the top part gives us pause .
6 Sacher said that the StB had been " a product and at the same time an instrument of the former totalitarian power " .
7 May the MEDAU SOCIETY continue to blossom , grow and stay alive — it is an example for us and at the same time an inspiration to continue our work for the benefit of people everyone .
8 The kind of attention that we usually associate with love or hate , and at the same time an acute awareness of limits , of closed worlds , of helplessness , of traps of unsatisfiable longing — the sort of awareness that we associate rather with pity or fear .
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