Example sentences of "and do not [vb infin] it [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Next time you bring it down , put it there and do n't knock it over .
2 The difficulty of this is , to have the telly on , and do n't switch it off .
3 Keep lips together while drawing the lipline and do n't make it too heavy .
4 Oh , please God , she prayed , shake Perdita out of this ghastly mood and make her happy again , and look after darling Violet and Eddie , and Gainsborough and Ethel , and please God , if you think it 's right , let me fall in love with a man who is n't married , who falls in love with me and do n't make it too long .
5 Do n't breathe over them and do n't make it so obvious .
6 And do n't do it again . ’
7 Now go home , be a good lad and do n't do it again ! ’
8 ‘ Jerry , just go home and do n't do it again . ’
9 And do n't site it too close to a house wall , or you will get sooty stains — unless you build some form of screening .
10 Whatever you use , try to retain the template , and do n't cut it along with the ripstop .
11 ‘ The old sex urge , and do n't run it down , Mrs Cornforth .
12 Like , they do n't need it any more , so they 've forgotten about it and do n't understand it any longer .
13 Having observed something , just record it and do not reason it out as to why it is so .
14 Tina had never been married , though her mother had never given up hope , and did not give it up now , that a wedding would one day take place .
15 They doubted that this act represented any substantial change in policy and did not regard it as sufficient to confirm Pakistani non-alignment in light of the continuation of strong military links between Washington and Islamabad .
16 For a few moments , to give Hookum Singh time to get to the hall and ring the bell for the last time , the Collector held the toppling pile of bodies by himself , then he sped across the drawing-room after the Sikhs , his boots crunching broken glass from the cases of stuffed animals ; the Sikhs had bare feet , however , and did not crunch it so loudly .
17 Tennyson is portrayed here as one who , despite his reservations about its temper , did understand science , and did not see it as antithetical to the sphere of imagination .
18 I do n't think , when you draw this trace perhaps it went just over the pin and did n't click it down .
19 And did n't like it either .
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