Example sentences of "and it [verb] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Patrick Standun 's book ‘ Lovers ’ has on its cover a priest and a semi-naked woman in bed and it opens with a character using a sock for purposes he claims he learned from ‘ The Dark ’ .
2 This was the brainchild of Francesco de Carerra , a senior legislator in Padua , and it amounted to a padlock that closed the vaginal labia tight by the simple expedient of passing right through them — or as it was more decorously phrased at the time ‘ locked up the seat of voluptuousness ’ .
3 He sent this prophecy to the MP John Lisle [ q.v. ] , and it circulated in the army .
4 This is a public right of way for walkers and it continues as a track alongside Loch Coulin , where camera enthusiasts are often fortunate to find a moored rowing boat posing for the foreground of a perfect picture .
5 The sundial looks expensive — the metal part was a Christmas present from his brother , and it sits on a piece of balustrade given by a friend .
6 And they 've got this doberman or something that barks all the time like , and it 's allowed i in the garden and it sits in the garden all the time and all the rest of it !
7 It was an old concrete pillbox built just before the last war to house a gun covering the firth , and it stuck in the sand like a big grey tooth .
8 I was bringing my own but I put it in the wrong pocket of my coat and it fell through the lining and smashed . "
9 The dress slipped to her narrow hips where it remained supported by his hands , until he raised them and it fell to the floor and her body gleamed naked .
10 She picked it up , misjudged its weight and it fell to the floor with a thud .
11 It gave a last deep cry , its teeth closed on the empty air , and it fell to the ground .
12 She 'd snatched it away , and it fell on the kitchen floor , where blood had trickled from its beak .
13 This made it a no-go area for the Hong Kong police and it developed into a warren of opium dens and criminal hideouts .
14 The ban is a serious infringement on the right to receive and impart information : it prevents representatives of lawful political organisations ( Sinn Fein has an MP as well as dozens of local councillors ) from stating their case on matters which have no connection with terrorism , and it denies to the public the opportunity to see and hear those who support violent action being questioned and exposed .
15 It was not a cart-track but one used by men on foot only , perhaps by single horsemen , and it ran along the bank of the stream before turning and crossing by the log , then it seemed to wander off , more or less straight into the forest .
16 This was broadly speaking the approach adopted in Chapter 2 , and it led to a model which located each discipline somewhere in a three-dimensional space , defined by its object , stance and mode , all of which may vary over time .
17 Mention travel , and it led to a woman travelling alone ; lending a novel , to a circular room full of books — there was that underswell .
18 Other regions of Scotland were to follow that lead and it led to the formation of the the Scottish Golf Union which , today , has 16 member areas .
19 The Gay News Defence Campaign may not have won the case for the paper , but it helped the community maintain a sense of strength and it led to the setting up of the Gay Activists Alliance .
20 This galvanised the National Agent , R. T. Windle , into making plans for an individual membership campaign early in 1944 ; and it led to the executive summoning a conference of trade union officers so as to encourage them to contribute to a general election fund and to increase the proportion of their contracting-in membership — which was much less than half the total membership they reported to the Trades Union Congress .
21 This never took place , and it sold to a phone bidder for $42,000 ( £23,300 ) ( est. $20–25,000 ) .
22 Leave the whiskey in oak too long and it tastes like a sack of splinters , but if the ageing is done correctly , it makes the spirit mellow and vanillin-sweet .
23 The rear wall of the churchyard loomed ahead of the figure and it sprang for the top .
24 I chucked it out the window and it landed on the ledge .
25 Radical Conservatism had been the product of Conservative powerlessness and despair , and it receded with the onset of Conservative power and hope .
26 And it belonged to a family , and reflected their stubborn conservative tastes , with a minimum of staff providing a maximum of service .
27 It was a discomfort which would have brief pause only while its inhabitants slept and it extended from the top to the lowest level .
28 Its working was rather fitful and it failed in a couple of astounding thunderstorms they had .
29 yeah , the , that 's the awful part I tried one of them with a big bit here and I tried it on and it looked like a tit on a pimple , I said god what am I gon na do ?
30 Rare Bear had melted the piston in the No 2 cylinder and it looked like the rod in the No 1 cylinder had bent , tilting the entire jug about four or five degrees .
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