Example sentences of "and it [modal v] [be] [vb pp] as " in BNC.

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1 The USSR need not , in that cavalier phrase , believe she could ‘ fight and win ’ a nuclear war to retain the orientation she has acquired : nuclear war is ‘ thinkable ’ ; it is , in principle , survivable ; and it must be conducted as war — which is to say , as a continuation of policy .
2 Its actions and policies are formed by local as well as national events , and it must be seen as both an agent of , and an obstacle to , central government .
3 ‘ It may sound a crackpot idea to transfer the Northern Ireland Milk Cup to Jersey , but I can confirm that a serious approach has been made and it will be respected as such when we meet to discuss it , ’ said spokesman Jim Sandford .
4 Management , then , has become a whole-school process , and it should be approached as such in any INSET and support programmes organized by the Authority or its schools .
5 Management has become an whole-school process , entailing that every member of staff has a managerial role of some kind , and it should be approached as such in any INSET or support programmes .
6 The Earth was created by the assistance of the sun , and it should be left as it was …
7 This proportion is called the relative abundance , and it can be expressed as follows :
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