Example sentences of "and to [art] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yet somebody had sprayed those two words on the wall , somebody who knew what they would mean to him and to no other occupant of Breakspear College .
2 It adds considerably to our knowledge of the position of the individual in late Tsarist society and to a general understanding of that society .
3 These shortfalls have increased in recent years due to cultivators avoiding cash crops altogether which attract poor prices , bureaucratic and policy-making bungling , and to a general neglect of the building up of physical and institutional infrastructure to aid farming .
4 Now , with the expansion of availability of SCOTVEC awards to increasing numbers of candidates , to a wider range of centres and to a greater coverage of occupational areas , SCOTVEC 's Board decided that the time was right to review the quality system which supports our awards to ensure that the system could continue to meet its objectives in the years head .
5 A further important aspect of the assessment process was the significance of ASW consultation with male family members , associated with section 2 more than section 3 and to a greater degree with GP than other referrals with non admission .
6 School-based choices about curriculum and curricular goals have given way to external requirements and to a greater measure of centralized uniformity .
7 The circulation of each newsletter is 5000 ( approx ) and it is distributed to students , all academic staff , academic-related staff , members of the court of the University , and to a wide variety of external organisations .
8 Towns and cities vary , not only with respect to resources like housing but , more generally , with respect to the number and variety of jobs that are available , and to a wide range of educational , cultural and scenic facilities .
9 Much of it is preserved in the former DDR and now , thanks to German re-unification and to a renewed appreciation of grandiose kitsch , this great self-styled ‘ Universalkünstler ’ of the German fin-de-siècle can now be rediscovered at the Städelsches Kunstinstitut .
10 Before leaving the accident site the investigator needs to make a wreckage plot showing where all the pieces of wreckage were positioned , in relation both to each other and to a fixed point on a large scale map .
11 President Roh Tae Woo , who described the elections as the fairest ever , had said earlier , in a nationally televised address on March 5 when he announced the polling date , that they marked a turning point in local autonomy and " a starting point leading to various democratic societies and to a genuine separation of powers " .
12 ‘ These plans are designed to further the Government 's commitment to wider and deeper share ownership and to a successful sale of BT shares in 1993/4 , ’ said Stephen Dorrell , financial secretary to the Treasury , told a seminar of stockbrokers and other financial intermediaries .
13 A joint statement was issued , which noted that both sides had agreed " on a common commitment towards the resolution of the existing climate of violence and intimidation from whatever quarter , as well as a commitment to stability and to a peaceful process of negotiations " .
14 Some of these pupils will be helped by attention to task lighting and to a suitable position in which to work and view demonstrations .
15 Will they improve or worsen the standard of care given to Londoners — and to a wider group of patients who use London 's specialist services and benefit from its research and teaching ?
16 Experiments with rat embryos suggest that this increased demand for oxygen is due both to a change in metabolism , from a predominantly glycolytic source of energy to utilization of the Kreb 's cycle and electron transport system , and to a necessary compensation for the absence of a functional chorioallantoic placenta which serves in vivo as an important organ of respiratory exchange ( 18 ) .
17 The crisis resulted in an overall increase of US$1,200 million in the price of imported oil , and to a serious loss in exports to Iraq , a major trading partner .
18 The problem of the evolution of recombination , and to a great extent of sex itself , is to explain why genes such as R have been favoured by natural selection .
19 It was a practice requiring the submission of the lower classes on the street , yet at the same time reflecting subordination of the constables to the whims of senior officers and to a manipulative body of law .
20 I am lonely yes , but my loneliness is the price I pay in order that the people of the World may look ahead to peace and freedom and to a decent standard of living for their children . ’
21 Research in other countries , and to a limited degree in the USA , had suggested that foetal tissue transplants into humans suffering from conditions such as Parkinson 's disease offered significant hope for improvement not seen with other treatments .
22 In the USA and to a limited extent in Britain , the availability of subsidies for nursing home care has encouraged a transfer of patients away from the long-stay institutions , and thus the more advanced pace of rundown in those two countries .
23 This relatively weak coalification is obviously due to an early ‘ Pre-Permian updoming ’ of the Westphalian and to a late subsidence in very recent times which caused a very young re-coalification that is not yet in equilibrium with the present depth and temperature .
24 The number of people without work rose more rapidly , and to a higher level in the two years following 1979 than at any other time during the post-war period .
25 Sales growth of Omega products through the pet trade has slowed , due in part to the effect of the recession and to a small decline in the population of dogs .
26 The Bank also acts as banker to overseas central banks , as well as to international organizations and to a small number of other institutions , companies and private individuals .
27 The explanation of this remarkable correspondence between patterns of sexual dimorphism in humans and gelada baboons is to be found in evidence of parallels in the evolution of the two species which have been attributed to the likely existence of our hominid ancestors in a habitat similar to that of today 's gelada baboon and to a resultant comparability of life-style and evolutionary adaptation .
28 This has led to competition among existing havens to attract a larger share of the market , and to a steady influx of new locations offering investors an attractive environment .
29 For all its terrifying initial impetus , by the end of February the attack had bogged down , and to a large extent of its own accord .
30 The result of acquiring literacy , they conjecture , ‘ is not an ordinary language … it is the language of analytic thinking and explicit argument and it is the tool that has been adopted by science and philosophy and to a large extent by the formal school system ’ ( ibid. p. 10 ) .
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