Example sentences of "and he [vb -s] a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 From his vantage point he sees in one part of the field the enemy trying to retreat with their artillery and he sends a message to his brigade of light Cavalry .
2 There are n states of nature and he receives a return of if he takes action i and the state is j .
3 Her fingers trail across his groin , and he feels a springing in his cock .
4 He has devoted time and energy to people because it is the people who will one day be his subjects , and he feels a sense of responsibility towards them ; but he will also be King of the British Isles , and has a responsibility to safeguard those Isles for future generations .
5 Of course , it might be said that a man in your position , if you 'll forgive the expression , is dieting either because his lover has threatened to leave him if he does n't shed a few pounds or because his lover has left him and he feels a need to , shall we say , freshen up .
6 And he spends a lot of time in Finland . ’
7 And he owns a company in New York ? ’
8 And he likes a bit of icecream .
9 However , Nagel is well aware that Smith himself had doubts as to the social validity of the subjective principle and he cites a passage from The Theory of Moral Sentiments :
10 He flicks through his computer in search of the file marked : ‘ Over-confidence ; The Perils Of , ’ and he produces a stream of anodyne phrases which might have been scripted at Anfield or Old Trafford : ‘ Take nothing for granted … great respect for the opposition … must get it right on the day . ’
11 And he gets a lot of publicity out of this by er , being photographed with Ted Heath , by announcing that he 's showing clemency to people who are convicted by the Iraqi courts , and that really people should n't hold too much against him .
12 He is the victor over Satan , and he tells a gem of a story to drive the point home .
13 He smokes and he drinks a lot of beer .
14 Sits down like that and he does a dooberry on top of the wall .
15 Like the Exhilarator and he owns leases on half a dozen pubs in the new dockland , and he does a bit of importing — high value stuff like furs or cars .
16 As he looked back at her , waiting , she forced herself to elaborate , ‘ Like me , Arnie 's a teacher , and he does a lot of extra-curricular work .
17 And they took another driver on and he does a lot of that , the runs there you see .
18 He does a lot of work , and he does a lot for many charities , for example The Sports Aid Foundation .
19 This is virtually Nithard 's last word ; and he offers an explanation of Adalard 's power : " Caring little for the public good , he devoted himself to pleasing everyone .
20 This encoding then becomes a signal to the speaker 's articulatory organs , and he vocalises an utterance of the proper phonetic shape .
21 and he causes a lot of problems for the opposition .
22 And he puts a Tampax in the water .
23 He is represented as a plump youth riding on a sparrow or a parrot , and he carries a bow of bee-encrusted sugar cane and five arrows , which represent the Five Senses .
24 The sound of his bracelet precedes him and he brings a rush of morning chill in .
25 And he sticks a pot on his head and everybody goes where 's Norman ?
26 There is a picture of him and he looks a lot like his uncle Eddie when he was nobbut a lad .
27 If some sheikh wants a son and he needs a push from technology , he sends over a couple of wives and a bottle of frogspawn .
28 Boswell has a different spelling — ‘ Strichen ’ , and so it is today : and he gives a direction to the place : ‘ we went four miles out of our road , after passing Old Deer , and went thither . ’
29 Xorandor is capable of wordplay , he even puns on Shakespeare : ‘ softwarily we are observed ’ ( 179 ) , and he gives a reply to one of the twins ' questions that they later discover to have been ‘ syntactically clear but contextually ambiguous ’ ( 183–4 ) .
30 More recently , Atkinson ( 1989 ) has calculated the rate of tax to finance two proposed social dividend/tax credit schemes , and he suggests a range of 47.5–51.3 per cent but warns that it is a difficult figure to calculate .
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