Example sentences of "and he [verb] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He has vilified Simon Bates with a campaign that amounts to persecution and he flies into a howling rage every time he hears Sing Something Simple ( R2 ) .
2 She dropped the camera from her face as the lens filled with his anger , and he receded to a safe distance from her ; but he was still bearing down , yelling , ‘ What the fuck is going on ?
3 And he dropped in a twenty seven inch Sony this morning .
4 It took Prescott a good ten minutes to describe the full pointlessness of his life as a stockbroker and man-about-town before the combined effects of drink and sustaining a conversation took their toll and he declined into a glazed , sullen silence .
5 His two front teeth shattered , and he choked on a sudden spurt of blood .
6 and he had over a thousand , one hundred a month
7 And he talks of a European home from the Atlantic to the Urals .
8 Froebe 's eyes opened weakly , and he coughed in a huge racking spasm .
9 A greater than these , or any earlier German composer , was to make his debut with a Primo libro de madrigali ( Venice , 1611 ) , but this 26 year-old pupil of Giovanni Gabrieli , ‘ Henricus Sagittarius ’ ( Henrich Schutz ) , was to work almost entirely in other fields and he belongs to a later
10 Mike Towers , with a background of newspaper journalism — he 'd worked for the Evening World in Bristol — assumed control of " Here Today " and he went for a harder , more newsy approach .
11 ‘ A year ago father went to Brittany ; he 'd been saving up for years and he went on a nine-day excursion .
12 right , Archie , he 's erm , on his own , own he 's er , think his wife died years ago , he saved and saved and he went on a big cruise , do you know what I mean ?
13 He finally took the advice of doctors a month later , and he went on a two-week holiday to Jamaica .
14 His hair curled around his face , and he went to a small basin and swilled water from the tap , rubbing his face and head briskly with a towel .
15 At two o'clock in the morning the doctor gave him a sedative and he went into a deep sleep , but when he awoke he did not speak to anyone , and the police found great difficulty in questioning him too .
16 He was bent in the act of locking the car as Maggie came up and he straightened to a considerable height , dark eyes running over her in astonishment .
17 I thump a rabbit chop on the back of his neck , and he crumples like a stabbed bull in the ring .
18 And he rode with a jewelled twinkle ,
19 His boots were up to the thigh , and he rode with a jewelled twinkle , his pistols but a twinkle , his rapier hilt a twinkle under the jewelled sky .
20 Someone collected five dollars from Culley and he walked into a roofless space .
21 He was trained at the École Nationale d'Administration , which is the national administration training school , and in fact at the École Polytechnique as well , which is , so he was one of the few people who went through both the elite training establishments , and he served as a civil servant for a while before turning to political life and getting elected as a Member of Parliament .
22 Tony ate his meals in the kitchen and he slept in a little room at the top of the farmhouse .
23 And he pleaded for a firmer approach from tonight 's referee , Denmark 's Kim Milton Nielsen .
24 So in came James — and he recovered from a jittery start to stamp his authority on an emphatic Liverpool win .
25 And he stays in a four-bedroomed detached house .
26 He had a good tenor voice and he belonged to a male voice glee party .
27 He said it in English , slowly , as though enjoying the sound of the words , and he added with a secret little smile , ‘ That happened just before he was recalled at the request of Lami Dozo himself .
28 She went reluctantly , and he added in a low voice : ‘ I ca n't help you I 'm afraid .
29 His name was Fred Paxford , and he lived in a small wooden bungalow on the other side of the brick kilns .
30 And he sleeps in a normal bed .
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