Example sentences of "of being [vb pp] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Five of eight houses offered for sale at Sanquhar Den in Forres , near Inverness , were snapped up within days of being placed on the market .
2 Nobody knew how much they burrowed into one 's past , and this ignorance coupled with a fear of being rejected by the Legion was enough to make most people tell the truth .
3 This feeling of utter helplessness , of being buffeted by the whims of some other person , was new and decidedly unsettling .
4 It does not seem ever to have been satisfactorily answered why the two first operational atomic bombs were used — against the strongly voiced wishes of the leading physicists responsible for developing them — to destroy two cities instead of being deployed in the equivalent of spectacularly shooting out candles .
5 The United Kingdom was an original party to the Convention but did not accept the compulsory jurisdiction of the Commission and Court until 1965 and then only for a three-year term which , however , has so far been regularly renewed although not without some hesitancy prompted by the embarrassment and ignominy of being condemned by the Court on a number of occasions .
6 Then once having disposed of the bogus Robert Gravier , the real Mr G. could live on his swindled millions without fear of being chased by the law or his many creditors .
7 Our human dignity of being made in the image and likeness of God takes on new meaning .
8 Such examples of human misery , Pascal said , prove our greatness : ‘ It is the misery of a great lord , the wretchedness of a deposed king , ’ that reflect upon the human dignity of being made in the image of God .
9 Britain 's potential for generating wind energy , which is the highest in Europe , is in danger of being neglected by the government , according to Friends of the Earth .
10 Sometimes in the evenings she had too strong a sense of being locked into the life of the farmhouse , even with the door continuously open on the summer yard , her brother away in the fields , her mother stumbling about the place with buckets , leaning on the table or the back of a chair whenever she stood to talk .
11 Never did she want a repeat performance of being locked in the octopus grip of Ardis junior — the memory of it was giving her nightmares .
12 It seems that Napoleon III briefly entertained the idea of being crowned by the pope , as his uncle had been , but Pius IX showed little enthusiasm for this scheme .
13 Instead of being inherited by the process of Mendelian genetics , it is ‘ inherited ’ by imitation .
14 According to Gavron 's survey of ninety-six urban housewives , the feeling of being tied to the house.and isolated from meaningful social contacts is a common one for both working-class and middle-class women .
15 An auger works in much the same way , but instead of being pushed into the soil , it has a corkscrew end which can be twisted down into the earth .
16 Although one consequence of their detached status was that the Commissioners tended to be remote from the day to day process of policy formulation in the higher echelons of the Home Office , they had the advantage of being perceived by the Prison Service as providing a collective leadership in which the professional element in the service could and did play a significant part .
17 They remained , therefore , on the outskirts of the town , until , terrified of being crushed by the mob , they decided to seek refuge in the open fields , but they had hardly agreed on this when fresh ash clouds , denser than ever , overwhelmed them and brought total darkness .
18 He knew we could n't abide his ways , and he was sure one of us was going to take a hack at him , so he begged for the honour of being killed by the enemy instead . ’
19 Instead of being treated to the confrontation between the great lion Aslan and the forces of hell , we sat and watched a game of cat and mouse .
20 I realised that I was in danger of being fooled by the maps .
21 ALEC Stewart made light of being struck on the head by a stone during yesterday 's one-day international defeat at Gwalior .
22 ALEC Stewart made light of being struck on the head by a stone during yesterday 's one-day international defeat at Gwalior .
23 In Russia , people have had to build mikvas secretly , some of them have built a hidden one t-n their home , and have had to live constantly with the fear of being discovered by the KGB who would imprison them because of it .
24 Where a surgeon has been brought in ‘ at the last minute ’ to prepare a Medical Report then his opinion and Report can always be made the subject of valid criticism in the event of being compared with the Report and opinion of a surgeon who has consistently treated and/or prepared Reports on a claimant over a lengthy period of time .
25 It can also be played as football cricket where the ball is kicked instead of being hit with the bat .
26 Uncle Jack called to complain of being kept in the dark just when his expertise in such matters — of which Charlotte was unaware — might be most valuable .
27 But I have twice dreamt of being led to the noose , the second time I got closer than the first , I hope I never have a third !
28 But I have twice dreamt of being led to the noose , the second time I got closer than the first , I hope I never have a third !
29 He liked to reverse the situation of being led around the ring , by grabbing with his teeth his owner 's arm by the cuff of her coat , and leading her around the ring instead .
30 That 's the one that 's the one danger that I see , that instead of being led by the turnover of the product , we 're being led by the funding we can obtain which I think is a is a weakness in the system .
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