Example sentences of "of the [noun pl] [noun sg] [coord] the " in BNC.

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1 This is because both the close company regime in Part XI of the Taxes Act and the " connected persons " rules for capital gains tax purposes rely on the definition of " control " in s416 TA 1988 .
2 The modules could form part of the bare-bones station or the truncated Freedom ( though they might not get up there early on ) ; they could also be mated to the single-launch skylab .
3 Following the decision to extend the project , the survey of the volcanoes Namarunu and The Barrier has been completed .
4 Furthermore , a quarter of the combined cases of the Drugs Council and the Detoxification Unit were known to have tried injecting heroin .
5 Those who looked hard enough could easily appreciate the difference between the Twins pouting and swaying to ‘ Doctor Doctor ’ and The Smiths by now legendary pastiche performances , but to the average Top Of The Pops viewer and the average record buyer , the difference was non-existent .
6 She 's a top Top Of The Pops presenter and the regular voice on Radio One 's Drivetime .
7 So , while the oil crisis caused major difficulties for the system as a whole , its impact — like that of the commodities boom and the dollar crisis — was uneven .
8 ‘ We were conscious of the need to build in safeguards against possible earthquakes during the development of the Hides field and the construction of the gas plant , ’ say Grainge .
9 The Prime Minister has made much of the citizens charter and the need for openness in Government .
10 On top of that , last year 's ‘ Fifteen Years ’ EP zoomed into the top of the singles chart and the recent
11 In some respects it is an initiative influenced by the experience of the Plebs League and the NCLC , discussed in previous chapters .
12 What it actually means erm is that er there is unlikely to be a by-pass for some time , but in effect that would be likely to be the case anyway , one because of the cost of the by-pass overall and secondly because of the erm position with regard to other aspects of the roads programme and the level of T S G that we are currently receiving er even if there was an agreed line as of today erm bearing in mind the th the other things that have happened in the roads programme , it still would be unlikely that the by-pass would be er programmed in such a way that it would allow housing or other development to take place in East Grinstead within either the structure plan period or the local plan period and hence the points that then er that the report moves on to erm come into play .
13 The Clark version of the mixture-of-distributions hypothesis and the sequential information arrival model provide complementary theoretical arguments for a positive relationship between price volatility and volume .
14 Research in this area has tended to focus either on the technical approach of the systems analyst/designer or the effect of computers on clerical and managerial work , which become ‘ de-skilled ’ .
15 I , I can remember all the activity and er when it was erected there was a fella from the First World War , he lost a leg in the war and he was in charge of the billiards room and the tables , when they built the club itself the front part used to be devoted to card games and then they installed a billiards hall and the tables and as I say a chap named he used to live in Street , but he was , a lost a leg during the war and they found him the job of looking after the tables and marking
16 ‘ Likely to believe ’ or ‘ likely to be provoked ’ means , that in the opinion of the police officer and the court , these likelihoods might occur .
17 Therefore , it is the very ordinariness of the RUC 's policing in Easton which is surprising and provides the greatest disjuncture with public imagery rather than the fact that it contradicts , to some extent , the formal regimen of the police manual or the bureaucratic ethos of police management .
18 At a time when the administration of opera is such an hysterically newsworthy subject ( at least where Covent Garden is concerned — and that , given the current thinking of the Arts Council and the arts minister , seems likely only to get worse ) composers want to write operas because they , if nobody else , recognise the scope of what the medium can offer .
19 It was not a conscious avoidance of the Debtors Prison but the more positive , good-humoured attitude which was part of Making Your Bed and Lying On It .
20 The Pru is sending a detailed explanation of the accruals method and the full accruals figures for 1991 and 1990 to shareholders .
21 However , serious differences continued to present obstacles to an agreement : ( i ) the Soviet Union insisted that not all combat aircraft be included in the treaty , although it made an important concession on this point in September ( see p. 36909 ) ; ( ii ) of the five categories of weapons to be included in a treaty-aircraft , helicopters , tanks , armoured vehicles and artillery ( with troops being the sixth element in an agreement ) -consensus on the definition of the weapons system and the items in that category to be included was only reached on artillery ( see below ) ; ( iii ) the Warsaw Pact insisted on an undertaking by NATO to conduct separate negotiations on the reduction of naval forces ( see Malta summit disagreement on naval forces p. 37111 ) ; and ( iv ) the Warsaw Pact demanded that no modernization of short-range missiles by NATO take place ( see also p. 37227 ) .
22 Protecting children will be high on the agenda , as will the full implementation of the Children Act and the UN Convention to promote childrens rights .
23 To answer these questions and many others the child care lawyer will need a working knowledge of the Children Act and the relevant rules and regulations .
24 The recombinant lambda-phage LPw2-13 was isolated from the EMBL4 gene bank by probing with the recombinant plasmid pGW1 , which contains a 4.3 kbp Hind III fragment of P.wickerhamii mtDNA coding for the 3' part of the coxI gene and the SSUrRNA gene ( 25 ) .
25 Motion three three four also deals with the abolition of the Wages Council and the C E C would like you to ask you to support it , but with qualification , that a national minimum wage rather than a national Wages Council is likely to be the best way to set a minimum rate of pay .
26 The critique of the objectives model and the erection of an alternative paradigm was the central theme of an important book by Stenhouse ( 1975 ) .
27 or the L.T.A. , a formal organisation is essential if we are to receive the support and guidance of the Sports Council and the C.C.P.R.
28 It was a foretaste of the wages-prices spiral and the increasingly futile chase after higher incomes .
29 The modern equivalent of the long war is the burden of the armaments race and the un-English bureaucracy , a legacy of two world wars , that still stifles the country despite a decade of Mrs Thatcher 's administration .
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