Example sentences of "of it [verb] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There was , in particular , a renewed surge of spending on state schools , part of it to finance the rapid completion of the comprehensive secondary education system now being finished under the aegis of Shirley Williams , a right-wing member of the government but also a critic of private schooling .
2 because making a thing of it creates the wrong atmosphere for talking about sex ( justification of opinion ) .
3 If we use the art of repetition and change , this small idea can then grow and help make all the music , or at least enough of it to generate a formal logic , a compelling emotional experience for those who listen .
4 There were men half-hidden by piled-up mountains of coloured balloons at some of the street corners , a relic , Ward said , of the magnificent feathered headdresses of the Aztecs , and with the stillness of evening the dust haze had gone , so that the huge square of the Zócalo had a brooding sense of peace , the cathedral 's twin towers still touched with the sunset 's warmth and the great mass of it dominating the presidential palace .
5 A chain wound its way round various wheels and cogs and at the end of it hung a large bucket .
6 AND still there are two nations in England , if only because part of it thinks the other part is somewhere else .
7 Carrie tried to mop up the mess with the edge of the table cloth and put a mat under the worst of it to stop the damp marking the table , but her hands seemed all thumbs and she could n't stop crying .
8 The knowledge of it caused a strange mixture of pride and jealousy , love and hatred , which troubled him and even now made him stay his hand before announcing his decision .
9 " the true excellence of the English constitution [ is ] that all the parts of it form a mutual check upon each other .
10 When Her Majesty used this coach , a platform , or flat truck was placed ahead of it to give an unobstructed view .
11 Even now , when it has in plate tectonics a unifying , fundamental theory , much of it remains an observational science , intuitive to the point of subjectivity .
12 De Gaulle had clearly created this confrontation , but it would be misleading to suggest that his courting of it represented a fundamental change in direction , either in ideology or method .
13 The chance of it getting the entire phrase of 28 characters right is ( 1/27 ) to the power 28 , i.e. ( 1/27 ) multiplied by itself 28 times .
14 Leave the groove of Primevil as soon as possible and stay within 6 metres of it to reach a poor belay at the foot of a groove in the first tier of the wall above the slab ( about 50m ) .
15 A street lamp threw faint light and out of it came a young woman .
16 Out of it came the British Aircraft Corporation ( an amalgamation of Vickers and English Electric ) with the design contract , and Bristol-Siddeley with the responsibility for the development of the Olympus engine .
17 But now , along the middle of it came an old woman pushing a hand-cart on which was a pile of rags .
18 Happy when they were together , when she was left alone she fretted , missing his presence and the way the light moved round his body as he enthusiastically used every inch of it to express the slightest emotion .
19 A number of further points should be noted : ( 1 ) If the financial adviser is acting for a newly-formed bidder ( eg an " off-the-shelf " company ) , the standard of care required of it has a special dimension .
20 Victor 's face as the match flares in front of it has the rapt attention of a man lighting a fuse .
21 Surely the question is whether the land on each side of it has the same greenbelt function , or different greenbelt functions ?
22 The memory of it revitalised a bonny smile but he was aware that there had been some anxiety in his corner .
23 None of it removed the nagging misery from her mind , the horror at the thought of Eleanor Thorne , sweet-natured as she was , being consigned to a mental hospital for geriatrics , to a public ward in a public bed , her possessions named with white tapes , her false teeth removed , her talk and actions , perhaps even her death , made common property .
24 The implications of it affect the whole world , it 's everything , everything you do , and demonstrates how things work and why they work .
25 The trick of combining lower marginal tax rates with a higher average tax take comes from the stepped progression of the tax system : as incomes rise people 's taxable income rises proportionately faster and larger slices of it attract the higher rates .
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