Example sentences of "of which be [adj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Among the extant Hotteterre instruments there are only three transverse flutes , all of which are representative of the earliest three-piece model , and are stamped ‘ Hotteterre ’ with an anchor below .
2 The cyclic of rise to power and decay of elites is held by Pareto to be inevitable and is explained by the alteration in elites of the proportions of these residues , both of which are necessary for the maintenance of rule .
3 Well there are a number of reasons , some of which are specific to the Cambridge to the context of this authority .
4 Of the former there were 80 , and of the latter 450 specimens , including about 150 species , many of which are new to the European collections …
5 We also operate a loop system for the hard-of-hearing , details of which are available at the Box Office .
6 These may include extreme weather conditions , strikes and the like ; exact details are given in the full Thames Water Customer Guarantee Scheme , copies of which are available from the ( Guarantee Scheme ) address opposite .
7 The charities have produced a report on the standards of care they believe should be provided , copies of which are available from the Motor Neurone Disease Association .
8 All goods supplied by the Seller shall be in accordance with ( i ) the current edition of the relevant Product Description Leaflet as published from time to time by the Seller ( copies of which are available from the Seller upon request ) and ( ii ) those further specifications or descriptions ( if any ) expressly listed or set out on the face of the Order .
9 It runs on Sun Sparcstations , IBM RS/6000s , HP 700s , SCO Unix , Interactive Unix and Intel i860s , all of which are available in the same package .
10 A basic sense of wonder ( a ) to foster their capacity for imagination which can give rise to vision , realizing that reality can be greater and other than it often seems — so that they appreciate that a flat two-dimensional approach to life is not the only option available ; ( b ) to understand that religious faith expresses itself in a variety of forms , many of which are close to the arts , and to realize also that religious language is mostly used in symbolic or metaphorical ways ; ( c ) to appreciate the emotional power of religious commitment and how this can be beneficial or harmful .
11 M. W. Eysenck ( 1982 ) reviews 49 such studies , most of which are compatible with the idea that arousal reduces the range of cues utilized .
12 With a feeling of trust comes , among other things , the ability to recognise personal strengths and weaknesses , the development of self-respect and faith in oneself , the development of respect and concern for others ; all of which are essential for the establishment and maintenance of human relationships , and are basic to the AL of communicating .
13 For the purpose of a choreographic grammar the word ‘ impetus ’ can be interpreted in three ways ali of which are applicable to the design .
14 Their prey are monkeys , principally two species of colobus , the red and the black-and-white , both of which are abundant in the forest .
15 At this point it is replaced by different patterns , some of which are different in the time sequence of the light flashes from the one that he/she has previously seen .
16 These data suggest that post transplant HBV infection is accompanied by a variety of changes in the liver allograft , some of which are unique to the transplanted liver and may result in impaired allograft function .
17 Laboratory manager , Andy Durrant says : ‘ M&ITS 's Calibration Laboratory is recognised as being on of the leaders in the field of pressure calibration work both in terms of accuracy and facilities , some of which are unique in the UK .
18 ‘ A ’ level entrants and mature students who wish to join the HND course must enrol for the three-week Conversion Course ( two weeks of which are residential at the Jordanstown campus early in September ) .
19 Ideal , both of which are ideal for the occasional glass and perfect for parties .
20 This chapter will consider two major works of Freud , The Future of an Illusion ( 1927 ) and Moses and Monotheism ( 1939 ) , both of which are concerned with the archaic heritage in society .
21 While we wish to avoid the pitfalls of many earlier studies on ‘ peaceful ’ or ‘ violent ’ societies by pulling out one behavioural feature as overridingly important in the analysis , we feel nevertheless that several issues of general interest have emerged , all of which are suggestive for the further understanding of societal peaceful coexistence , and we turn now to a brief consideration of some major points that are raised in the ethnographic papers .
22 Steffisburg has in its historic centre some buildings of considerable character : a church , rebuilt in the late seventeenth century but with a Romanesque tower that has a wooden belfry and spire ; and two adjacent buildings known as the Hochhuser , the larger of which is transitional between the Bernese farmhouse and the country mansion styles and has a hipped roof on a really magnificent scale .
23 If there are several ways of achieving the desired purpose , none of which is necessary to the purpose , those ways are expressions and , consequently , protected by copyright .
24 The geostationary communications satellites placed high above the Pacific to link the banking and trading centres of South-East Asia , Japan and Australasia with those of North America preside over a ‘ window ’ of the planetary territory of geometrically fixed size — rather as if a cone , a dunce 's cap , the height of which is equivalent to the altitude necessary for a satellite 's geostationary orbit , had been set down over the ocean .
25 The whole circular design is set within a square formed by the inner border of an arrangement of repeating geometric panels ( panels which , themselves , are significant not only for their suggestion of links with the continent ( section 4.4 ) and with other simple , geometric designs , but also for their inclusion of eight circular medallions , each of which is reminiscent of the three , minor concentric circular designs listed above ) .
26 The practical effect of this wording is that for a claim to be covered the casualty must be reasonably attributable to an identifiable accident the source of which is external to the craft — thus the craft filling with water on its moorings over a period of weeks and then foundering would not be covered .
27 Who has the most comprehensive information in the country on every aspect of childbirth , breastfeeding and postnatal care , all of which is available to the public free of charge ? who has comprehensive information for parents with disabilities ?
28 ‘ The waste and desert appearance is partly caused by the vast extent of the common lands belonging to the towns and villages , the system of management of which is ruinous in the extreme , and the finest districts , capable of enriching the proprietors and the country at large , are abandoned to , and only serve as pasture for goats , sheep or a few asses . ’
29 I have had some problems with repeated sinus infections , part of which is due to the area I 'm living and working in , therefore will necessitate long-term treatment .
30 ‘ Secondly , the welfare state has unwittingly provided ‘ incentives ’ for non-participation in work , education and ‘ family life ’ , evidence of which is visible in the rejection of the work ethic , the relaxation of moral standards and the emergence of the ‘ dependency culture ’ .
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