Example sentences of "of which be [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Snowy owl assemblages have relatively higher rates of molar loss than barn owl and long-eared owl assemblages , and this almost certainly reflects their dominance by lemmings , the teeth of which are loosely held in the jaws .
2 Under the terms of the 1982 Constitution legislative authority is vested in the National People 's Congress ( NPC ) , the members ( approximately 3,000 ) of which are indirectly elected for five years .
3 The true place of inflation in calculating the cost of credit is as part of a triangle which has as its other sides the interest to be gained from instalment savings and the interest to be paid for instalment credit — both of which are broadly related to inflation rates anyway .
4 The activity posited by Brentano , secondly , is common not only to seeing and other perception , thinking in the sense of deliberating or judging , and also remembering , intending , and deciding , all of which are ordinarily thought to be in different ways active , but also pain and other sensations , dreaming , experiencing an emotion , and being subject to a mood , all of which are thought to be in different ways passive .
5 Legislative power is vested in the unicameral House of Representatives , which has 80 seats , 24 of which are nominally reserved for Turkish Cypriots but are not filled .
6 First , emphasize the importance of extinct groups ( n =29 , marked with an asterisk ) , many of which are generally regarded as major bodyplans , but may have morphological characters that could reveal more clearly relationships between disparate extant phyla .
7 Neither of these two methods , both of which are widely implemented on almost every computer architecture , addresses the third artform , technical illustration .
8 A high proportion of these diseases are caused by parasites , many of which are widely distributed in temperate climates as well as the tropics and subtropics .
9 A high proportion of these diseases are caused by parasites many of which are widely distributed in temperate climates as well as the tropics and subtropics .
10 Right from level one there is a balanced mixture of the four skills — reading , writing , listening , and speaking — all of which are carefully developed throughout the series .
11 The National Progressive Front , headed by President Assad , was formed in 1972 by the Ba'ath Party with the four parties listed below , all of which are also represented in the People 's Assembly .
12 ( Ail of which are well represented in the story as I am learning it . )
13 These include Epilobium , Artemisia , Polygonum , Potentilla ( cinquefoil ) and Polemonium ( Jacob 's ladder ) , all of which are well established at several sites in Sheffield .
14 Of course there are increasing numbers of hungry children in Peru who stare mistrustfully at camera-laden gringos ( white tourists ) , but your front cover does nothing towards providing an image of either the anger and creativity of Peruvian people , nor the barbaric economic situation that has been imposed upon their country by the current world economic order , both of which are well described within the issue .
15 These concerns have been further stimulated by the change in public attitudes to safety and environmental issues , many of which are closely linked to energy .
16 About a hundred works will travel from Paris , many of which are normally kept in storage for conservation reasons .
17 My garden yields at least three species of worm — a small red type , a cream-coloured type and a pale-pink type , all of which are greedily eaten by my cichlids .
18 If the original heading ( showing source , date etc. ) is removed from the message or if the body of the text is edited ( both of which are easily done on most systems ) then the original temper or content of the message can be radically or subtly altered .
19 Nova Scotia became the first province to break the compact earlier this year when it agreed to provide 16 infected individuals with a non-taxable $30,000 per year until they die , and to reimburse the cost of drugs , most of which are not covered by Medicare .
20 The sweeping changes some of which are not supported by the Daily Post survey are by common consent the vision of one man , Secretary of State for Education John Patten .
21 Since it was intended to examine the ability of the normal book-provision system to cope with varying levels of demand by noting the relationship , if any , between the number of requests submitted in any one period and the average time for straightforward deliveries of ‘ ordinary ’ books from the Main Building within that period , requests for early or rare items , most of which are not supplied through the normal book-fetching channels , were excluded .
22 The value of the publication resides in its comprehensive selection of illustrations , the majority of which are not mentioned in the text and form , therefore , a quite independent feature .
23 Private detectives employed by the Kuwaiti government claim to have discovered that Saddam Hussein has hidden assets in more than 40 banks around the world , $2.4 billion of which are not frozen by UN sanctions .
24 It is possible to treat each of the pair , as a single consonant phoneme ( we will call this the one-phoneme analysis of , ) , and it is also possible to say that they are composed of two phonemes each — either plus or plus all of which are already established as independent phonemes of English ; this will be called the two-phoneme analysis of and .
25 Standard carpet ranges and stock items are also on display together with Sekers Fabrics , examples of which are attractively draped in co-ordinated setting to create a showroom that is both practical and in keeping with the expectations of the world 's leading designers .
26 Together , these two concepts of ‘ closure ’ and ‘ reproduction ’ demand that we integrate our understanding of economic processes that allocate people to certain positions in a hierarchy with an understanding that such positions also depend on people 's perception of class , their sense of class culture , the culturally perceived ‘ pecking order ’ — the higher reaches of which are humorously caught by Les Dawson 's commentary that heads this chapter .
27 Carbohydrates come in a variety of different forms , all of which are best regarded as sources of energy .
28 Other items might be delegated , with the LEA acting as judge of which are best passed to the school 's control and which need to be held centrally .
29 The woody , wind-pollinated Laurasian groups have not speciated greatly in South America , but almost half of the neotropical flora belongs to the Andean-centred groups of epiphytes , understorey shrubs and palmettos , all of which are poorly represented in Africa and , to a lesser extent , Asia .
30 The famous mithraeum was not built from scratch but was adapted from a grotto/nymphaeum , the remains of which are still attached to the present structure to a height of twelve metres .
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