Example sentences of "of which [be] [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 Britain is , in relation to its size , remarkably well-endowed with mineral resources , the type and distribution of which are related to the complex geological and tectonic history of the British Isles and the adjacent continental shelf area .
2 This is the 4.5-ton ‘ pod ’ , two of which are strapped to the belly of every Tornado aircraft sent out to disable an Iraqi airfield : the pod disgorges high-explosive bombs that leave craters , as well as anti-personnel bombs to complicate the task of clearing up the damage .
3 The royals take an obscure pride in their penny-pinching , details of which are leaked to the press from time to time so as to suggest that they are , in fact , just like us .
4 It is n't invariable practice amongst conveyancers even to keep a third copy of a simple transfer for themselves ( but always keep one if it contains restrictions , or the grant or reservation of rights , etc , or if you will require one for your mortgagee 's solicitors ; normally one prepares top and carbon , both of which are sent to the seller 's conveyancers with a suggestion that the top copy , too , should be retained and used as the engrossment if its terms are approved .
5 The tiled roof over the single south aisle was stripped off and partly replaced with bronze-coloured aluminium glazing bars framing bronze-tinted ‘ anti-sun ’ glass , the upper panels of which are laid to the same slope as the original roof , the lower panels producing a range of shallow vertical windows , the combination of which gives ‘ conservatory ’ lighting to the first floor flats ( Plate 23 ) .
6 Whilst dredging two steam winches on the deck are used to move her along on wire ropes the ends of which are attached to the canal banks .
7 That the British Gas Executive Share Option Scheme ( ‘ the Scheme ’ ) the rules of which are produced to the Meeting ( and , for the purpose of identification , signed by the Chairman ) be approved and the Directors be authorised to take all necessary steps which they consider necessary or appropriate to carry the Scheme into effect including the submission of the Scheme to the Board of Inland Revenue for approval under Schedule 9 to the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 .
8 the British Gas ( Overseas Employees ) Share Option Scheme ( ‘ the Overseas Scheme ’ ) the rules of which are produced to the Meeting ( and , for the purpose of identification , signed by the Chairman ) be approved and the Directors be authorised to take all necessary steps which they consider necessary or appropriate to carry the Overseas Scheme into effect ; and
9 If the Crown does not consider the particulars of claim give sufficient information as to the government department and officers concerned under Ord 42 , r 4 , it may , before the time for filing a defence has expired , file with the court two copies of a request for such information , one of which is sent to the plaintiff .
10 The scan score is a dimensionless quantity , the magnitude of which is related to the degree of abnormal uptake in the gut .
11 We have put up prize money of £8,000 , all of which is to go to the schools .
12 Landowners singled out for attention on Forbidden Britain day included the Earl of Macclesfield , who owns an estate of 8,000 acres , most of which is denied to the public , and Viscount Parker , who has an estate in the Oxfordshire Chilterns .
13 These ad hoc bodies , as they are frequently described , were created by local or private Acts of Parliament , the scope of which is limited to the locality or interests concerned .
14 As with mangrove forests , they do not consist of a single species that happens to have exploited a particular niche , but of a whole group of species , not necessarily related to each other , each of which is adapted to the rich pickings .
15 But the test itself was also changed , from gross indecency , which like the deprave-and-corrupt test had been adequate to catch most child pornography , to the lesser test of indecency , the precise meaning of which is left to the jury to assess according to their own standards of propriety for children or young people .
16 Such orbits will either be symmetric ( i.e. be their own image under the symmetry ) or will occur in symmetric pairs , each of which is taken to the other by the symmetry .
17 The Board is obliged to publicise the escrow account the balance of which is paid to the person if he or she is not convicted or at the end of the five year period .
18 wave output of the oscillator is fed into a divide.by.m circuit , the output of which is coupled to the other phase-locked-loop input .
19 This comprised three street tramway lines based on Mitcham , one of which was extended to the Croydon Borough boundary .
20 Eric Jones-Evans began donating material to the Theatre Collection in 1980 and the remainder , including his substantial library , formed just a part of his considerable estate , the bulk of which was bequeathed to the Collection upon his death in 1989 .
21 This was probably caused by the roll of linoleum , one end of which was tied to the carrier behind her saddle , the other to the handlebar .
22 Under the contract , a copy of which was leaked to the media , Nur Elmy Osman , describing himself as " minister of state for health , Republic of Somalia " , granted Acher a 20-year concession to treat up to 550,000 tons a year of industrial and hospital waste , including " solid and liquid waste of the toxic type " , at a disposal facility in Somalia and to store the treated waste in a landfill .
23 As you might well expect , Microsoft Windows played a key role at the COMDEX exhibition , a single section of which was dedicated to the largest ever demonstration of third-party Windows applications .
24 This more exclusivist approach can be seen in some of the proposals embodied in Mr Gorbachev 's Murmansk Initiative most of which was directed to the Nordic and other Arctic states .
25 It is my understanding from the reply there 's a fairly clear statement there that that was done erm I indeed have a copy of the principal briefing paper which the Director prepared for the panel , Chairman it outlined the background to the structure plan review , it referred to the previously approved structure plans , copies of which were appended to the briefing paper .
26 The Madison banks collapsed after sustaining huge losses on real estate loans , many of which were made to the banks ' directors , employees and their relatives .
27 There were several contentious rights of way matters still outstanding , some of which were linked to the bypass .
28 But in a speech to a local Conservative party meeting in England , copies of which were issued to the press , Mr Brittan said a period of turbulence lay ahead before a GATT deal was sealed .
29 Both commands were theatres of war in which many prizes were taken , some of which were added to the fleet and consequently required officers to command them .
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