Example sentences of "of a [noun] [prep] [art] first " in BNC.

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1 Nikola ( Figure 4.3 ) is a straightforward case of a transfer from the first year of one degree course direct into the second year of another .
2 This trend continued in succeeding years so that during the three-quarters of a century between the first ( 1719 ) and the fifth ( 1795 ) official censuses , the Russian population of Siberia increased by almost two and a half times , from 169,000 adult males to 412,000 , at a time when the population of the empire as a whole less than doubled .
3 A quarter of a century after the first American military advisers were sent to Saigon , the moment had come .
4 I wish the same could be said for the piano he uses : it is clearly in need of a tune in the first of the Valses-Caprices .
5 The majority are fitted in quite neatly , but the addition of a sentence after the first quotation on page 34 makes the referent of " Another possibility " , which opens the next sentence , ambiguous .
6 Leave the groove of Primevil as soon as possible and stay within 6 metres of it to reach a poor belay at the foot of a groove in the first tier of the wall above the slab ( about 50m ) .
7 Meanwhile , in 1918 , following the retirement of the Rev W B Sleight as President , the Rev F W Gilby M.A. agreed to occupy this position as a stop-gap until the election of a successor at the first Congress after the end of the First World War .
8 This desperado parades the streets and appears upon ‘ Change with the effrontery of a man of the first condition .
9 ‘ The hand of the corpse is hacked off ; the name of the person whom the witch or warlock wishes to hurt is placed between its fingers and then it 's buried at the foot of a gibbet on the first stroke of midnight . ’
10 Follow the road for a third of a mile to the first stile on the left .
11 We are in the presence of a disaster of the first magnitude .
12 Note that as far as triad chords are concerned , a whole-tone scale comprises only two different chords , as the notes of a chord on the first degree are repeated in chords on the third and fifth degrees , while those of a chord on the second degree are repeated on the fourth and sixth .
13 Even before plugging the Tribute in I was aware that I was dealing with a class act , comparable , perhaps , to sitting in the driving seat of a Ferrari for the first time .
14 In Wordsworth 's note to this section of his poem — which also deals with improved roads and canals , and proffers hope that the new processes will bring ultimate good — he compares his work with that of a poet of the first half of the eighteenth century , John Dyer :
15 You stood in the gutter , on the edge of the pavement , held the corner of a card between the first and second fingers of the right hand and flicked .
16 The issues of a book during the first year after its publication are likely to be influenced artificially by publicity , so that duplication during this period should be exercised as sparingly as possible .
17 There is no escape from it — that Damocles sword of a war on the first day of which all the chartered covenants of princes will be scattered like chaff : a race war which will subject the whole of Europe to devastation by fifteen or twenty million , and which is not raging already because even the strongest of the great military states shrinks before the absolute incalculability of its final result .
18 The conference also approved the Britain in the Modern World policy review , which proposes : Cancelling one of the four planned Trident submarines ; Putting other Trident missiles and Polaris into international arms reduction talks ; Opposing the modernisation of short-range nuclear weapons in Europe ; A commitment to continued Nato membership , while arguing for the abandonment of its flexible response strategy ; Aiming to eliminate all nuclear weapons by 2000 ; Adoption of a policy of no first use of British nuclear weapons ; Decisions The conference yesterday : Rejected a motion which would have committed the party to phasing out nuclear power stations within 15 years .
19 There was no sign of activity except the slight movement of a curtain on the first floor .
20 If you ca n't tell what is a racist film and what is not , you should n't be in charge of a festival in the first place .
21 Estimates of these costs put the average direct costs of a baby for the first year at at least £1 500 , running to £30 000 by the time the child reaches 16 .
22 Well a very close fought encounter at the stadium ; we had to wait for quarter of an hour for the first actual goal chance when Dave Bristow hit the ball from twenty five yards , which just cleared the bar .
23 ( defined as still-birth or death of an infant within the first week of life ) increases directly with the number of cigarettes smoked during pregnancy .
24 The effect of the decision was to give women the choice of an abortion during the first six months of pregnancy if they could find a doctor to carry it out , and it came to have enormous symbolic importance for feminists .
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