Example sentences of "of [Wh det] they [verb] [been] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In the darkness , under cover of which they had been kissing cuddling so much ( with his hand inside her blouse ) that she had not the first idea what the film was about , he took her hand and guided it down to his lap .
2 ( 3 ) provides that copies of reasons in writing are to be given by the board to all the parties to the hearing in respect of which they have been requested , and subs .
3 I mean everybody knew what was going on , they might have had their own interpretations of what they 'd been told , but that happens , and as I said you know , every decision was voted on by the full lodge of the three quarries .
4 Unfortunately they were shipwrecked and lost much of what they had been given .
5 He brightened as he recalled some of what they had been told .
6 Although this was the exact opposite of what they had been saying in the previous year , it was consistent in suggesting that there was a conflict between leaders and members .
7 Young people feel cheated by their parents without really knowing of what they have been deprived .
8 Their dangerous truths are left in the hands of politicians , some of them people who are driven by little things , like the desire for personal power , and who do n't understand the explosive possibilities of what they have been given ; or if they understand , do n't care .
9 However , although people seem to agree on a hierarchy of symbolic rewards , this apparent consensus is not the sum of people 's personal evaluations regarding the relative importance of different jobs , but a reproduction of what they have been socialised into accepting and which , when asked , they reproduce as though this sort of thing is a matter of fact .
10 No one who is either a parent or a teacher can fail to be aware of the vast differences between children of 7 , not because of what they have been taught , but because of their rate of development and their maturity .
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