Example sentences of "of [Wh det] [vb base] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Undoubtedly the strangest of Sulawesi 's amazing fauna , the babirusa , a species of pig with four tusks , two of which curve backwards over the head .
2 Two console tables and two encoigneurs in the same taste complete the furniture , with the exception of the carpet , which is Axminster , of suitable design , and the rich tones of which contrast advantageously with the delicate effect of the other furniture : in the centre of the design are the Royal Arms .
3 The biblical view of knowledge has many dimensions , some of which go far beyond a knowing which is solely related to reasons , but ‘ reason-able ’ knowledge is a basic part of knowing in the Bible .
4 These two executive/client spaces are supported by five white pre-cast columns , tow of which drive up through the room and terrace above .
5 The report recommended a number of wide-ranging changes to company reporting , many of which correspond closely with the recommendations put forward in the UK by Sir Ron Dearing .
6 With this approach the current crisis of Western societies is the inevitable outcome of the contradictions implicit in capitalism society , all of which derive ultimately from the ownership of the means of production being in private hands .
7 But caterpillars , most of which banquet out in the open , must look to their defences .
8 Classifications of most landforms are in a sense unsatisfactory , because there is usually an infinite variety of forms , some of which fit well into a classification and others only with extreme difficulty .
9 There are three churches in the village including All Saints , parts of which date back to the 15th century .
10 Auctioneers Outhwaite and Litherland are selling the 40 antique fans , some of which date back to the beginning of the century .
11 The first three are measures from the GRE assessment , all of which rely heavily on the ‘ standard ’ measures of housing characteristics from the Census .
12 Before joining battle on the value judgements in the theses of Fairlie and Butt , both of which agree basically with the assessment given here of the powers and role of the House of Commons today , it is worth establishing the facts , both historical and contemporary .
13 G.M. Fairbairn ( 'H' , V6427 ) , Sgt. E.B. Inman ( 'J' , V6460 ) , and their crews being lost — a grim indicator of what lay ahead for the anti-shipping units .
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