Example sentences of "of [v-ing] [adv prt] in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Adnan Khashoggi , a Saudi arms dealer , is being tried with her , accused of helping out in the property deals .
2 Locals tend to stick to the pleasures of eating out in the evening , but there are a few spots in town for night revels .
3 In present times the system is in danger of dying out in the Point district , as so many of the men and women have regular employment in town .
4 ‘ I think it 's a matter of stumbling around in the dark until we find a clue , ’ Loretta said gratefully .
5 Of course , one of the advantages of waking up in the night in a sweat is that you tend to have your best ideas whilst failing to get back to sleep .
6 Unlike many groups , The Wedding Present largely avoided the dubious pleasure of growing up in the public eye .
7 The idea of going out in the garden to sit looking back towards the house was popular , as was the line of the path , laid in stock bricks in a colour best described as crushed strawberry .
8 ‘ If you had stayed to hear what I had left to say , ’ Claire said , smiling , ‘ instead of rushing out in the rain , I would have told you that , at the end of your dark tunnel , you would eventually reach the light . ’
9 Exercise consisted of getting up in the morning , reaching for a cigarette and climbing into the car .
10 At the moment the only thing making me write this essay is the thought of me being able to vegetate in front of the box tomorrow night and also , if I push my self and write three lines a minute I will be able to go to bed early and ease the strain and trauma of getting up in the morning and trudging off to another dreary day in school .
11 But psychologically what happens is , eventually they say well , what 's the point of getting up in the morning , so they lie in till ten o'clock .
12 Swail 's hopes of getting back in the match virtually disappeared when he lost the first frame of the final session .
13 A victim ( and in theory he could be male , although no man has yet , apparently , pursued a sexual harassment claim through the courts ) can leave and complain of unfair constructive dismissal but will often prefer to keep the option of staying on in the job and bringing a sex discrimination claim instead .
14 Back at base , Stirling had every intention of staying out in the desert and carrying on his raiding operations .
15 ‘ The lad has a history of moving on in the game .
16 It was also a way of moving up in the world .
17 They speak of opting out in the primary , secondary and further education sectors ; as for social services , they speak of monitoring and enabling rather than providing .
18 Last Autumn it gave up all pretence of continuing on in the business and sold off its Personal Mainframe hardware interests to clone newcomer Digital Systems Research ( UX No 407 ) .
19 Greta Scacchi , 31 , star of White Mischief and Heat and Dust says , ‘ I hate the thought of standing out in the crowd .
20 Has she thought of setting up in the coffin business herself ?
21 The journey was conceived and prepared through a Scottish winter with the idea of setting out in the spring .
22 ‘ We never use these drawers , if he 'd put the light on instead of feeling around in the dark he 'd have found that out immediately . ’
23 You talk about getting work you talk about getting work and all that sort of thing erm we 've offered John , at one point , that if he did a bit of clearing up in the churchyard erm that he would be given a small amount of money .
24 You can thus save money compared with an overdraft — and save the effort of shopping around in the Money Market for credit which is anyway less flexible .
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