Example sentences of "of [v-ing] [to-vb] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The unfortunate Met Officers all over Bomber Command had plenty of explaining to do during that summer , as the weather was unusually bad .
2 Now we either are going in the direction this morning , or rather I think you 're being pressed to go in the direction of seeking to identify in due course , what is the preferred general location , and this undoubtedly is something you can hang your hat on .
3 Before it adjourned , it heard former Pan Am employees accuse the airline of refusing to pay for adequate security measures .
4 [ … ] In the course of attempting to account for such market phenomena as quality differentiation , advertising , or markets in which few producers are to be found [ … ] neo-classical theories were led to conclusions which grossly misinterpret the significance of these phenomena .
5 The minister is then faced with the task of keeking to see during that prayer whether there are enough potential listeners to justify proceedings with his prepared material .
6 The majority voting equilibrium is then the public goods quantity demanded by the person with median income , and — if tastes are unchanged — we should expect the level of spending to vary with median income .
7 Anxiety about the possibility of having to move into institutional care has a particularly strong influence on these perceptions — particularly for women .
8 We got up every morning and went to our routine , boring and badly-paid jobs , some of us hoping , some of us dreading the advent of Mr Right : he who would relieve us from , God forbid , the tedium of having to rely on each other for company , comfort , support and stimulation .
9 The effect of having to rely on imported oil is of great significance for development .
10 These developments could avoid the present difficulties of having to go from one service to another in search for a solution to each of a multitude of problems .
11 They were both busy people , preoccupied with their work — Robyn with her supervisions and the completion of her PhD , Charles with the demands of his new job — and the thought of having to adjust to another partner , to study their interests and minister to their needs , wearied them in anticipation .
12 It accused the Government of failing to comply with European Community obligations to protect part-timers , 90pc of whom are women , from less favourable treatment than fulltimers .
13 He wondered how many people in all the mental hospitals in the country — or the world " , — come to that — were really fallen Warriors who had either cracked up from the strain of trying to live in this hell-hole , or simply made the wrong choice and thought that the test was just seeing through the whole thing and then having the courage to stand out and make that challenge .
14 Most have grown tired of trying to deal with rigid management , the country 's continually changing laws and the ban on repatriating rouble profits .
15 Although the above might seem a little onerous , remember that the problem it is addressing , that of parallel modification , is of great importance and the difficulty of trying to cope with parallel modification is reflected in LIFESPAN .
16 The distorted modes of communication which the individual has set up within himself , and between self and the outside world , as a result of fearing to express in public form certain wishes and impulses of an infantile polymorphously perverse character , can be unravelled with the analyst 's help .
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