Example sentences of "of [v-ing] [coord] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is necessary , therefore , to make as attractive as possible the opportunities and challenge of singing or playing in church .
2 Quick wit and cleverness at school had shifted him quickly from his roots in the Belfast underclass , and his natural proclivities had led him to the theatre set , a wee bit of acting and extra-work from time to time , usually as a gunman or a thug and once , memorably , as a rather well-fed hungerstriker .
3 Later , under the 1907 provisions for the medical inspection of children , parents ( and again the responsibility usually fell on the mother ) were told what was wrong with their children but were left with the task of seeking and paying for treatment , dependants being excluded from the provisions of the 1911 National Health Insurance Act .
4 And apart from certain specialised domains ( the lexicon of skateboarding or knitting for example ) you will also find few words whose source is a text written by somebody working class , or black , or for that matter female .
5 Austrian parents do not have to suffer the embarrassment of going and asking for charity just to send their children to school looking like everyone else .
6 Times of meals , flexibility about times of rising and going to bed .
7 If you are in a band where there is a lot of chopping and changing between electro-acoustic and chunky electric , then check this guitar out immediately .
8 The exact title though is only important in one respect , namely in convincing staff of the desirability of having some way of judging and commenting upon performance and gaining their acceptance and co-operation .
9 It 's entirely open to you to reject our way of working but to accept with equanimity the fact of our working .
10 For this reason , research and education programmes must continue to identify ways of preventing or dealing with alcohol abuse .
11 In 1984 , it became common for bail conditions , following arrests during the strike , to require those charged not to visit any premises or place for the purpose of picketing or demonstrating in connection with the current trade dispute between the NUM and the National Coal Board other than peacefully to picket or demonstrate at their usual place of employment .
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