Example sentences of "of [pers pn] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Immense parasites twining round the trees taking root some of them at the tops of the trees and hanging down to the ground , others surrounding the trees like a crown — heard the bell bird with his incessant ting ting , the coachwhip bird & c. — a heavy shower of rain accompanied by lightning — soon cleared up — every green thing looked more beautiful for its sprinkling . ’
2 They continued on along the line of booths , each with its owner sitting on the counter among his stained , dirty jars like some vast black spider , past the long , carpet-covered benches in front of them with the rows of men drinking coffee and smoking and talking , past the assorted smells of rose and jasmine , amber and banana , past the odd little restaurants with their grand brass jugs of hot water , their servants hurrying with coffee in glasses to some merchant about to strike a deal , past all this and then suddenly through the arch of the Bab es Zuweyla with its two soaring and fantastic minarets and out once more into the Tentmakers ' Bazaar with its donkey-saddles of red brocade and its camel-trappings adorned with cowries and little bits of looking-glass , its gaily-striped awnings and brilliant tent linings .
3 From 1823 onwards he built over twenty in the region , a number of them for the commissioners for building new churches established under the Million Pound Act , and in 1829 he was appointed surveyor to York Minster .
4 Hollywood 's worst in the movie line has recruited hundreds of them for the gangs of race-course roughs , motor bandits , and smash-and-grab thieves . ’
5 Peebles played 18 games for the Ports during an extended loan period , and scored three goals — ironically one of them against the Blues in that 3–0 win on the last day of the season .
6 Afterwards , he remembered that Lots Road power station had smoked whitely into a grey sky , and that along the Embankment a cold wind had been whipping off the river , driving spread-eagled pages from an old newspaper before it and wrapping one of them round the legs of a tall , frail man in a tweed overcoat .
7 A tower over ten feet tall took only thirty seconds , and he would leave a trail of them around the passageways in his more creative moods .
8 As we set off we catch some of them in the beams of our head torches , along with the bats which are madly pursuing them .
9 ‘ Would n't it be good if people were interested in pictures of you with no clothes on ? ’
10 So I think our victory in South Africa which is n't complete is also in that sense your victory and in this sense there is tremendous affection and love for all of you in the hearts of the oppressed people of Southern Africa and Africa .
11 SO , airshow organisers , air rallyers , fly-in-ists , air racers , balloonatics , all of you in the throes of planning the 1993 calendar — help to put tens of thousands of FlyPast readers out of their misery .
12 When being questioned by magistrates about her teaching ( they were suspicious of her on the grounds of her sex and lack of social position ) she is confident that a greater Lord will answer for her .
13 The careful ‘ packaging ’ of Mrs Thatcher by Gordon Reece from the mid-1970s onwards was designed to create a different image of her in the minds of the public , an image which was felt to elicit a more positive response on the part of the public .
14 Donald is reputed to have fled to the ( Western ) Isles , and nothing is known of him during the reigns of Macbeth and Malcolm III .
15 We were now face to face with this man of diverse talent — poet , novelist , song-writer , performer — after following his career for nearly two decades , reading his books , playing his records , watching him sing , reading of him through the eyes of his critics — no easy feat when one is not inhibited by astigmatism !
16 However , when I think of him at the Departments of the Environment and of Education and Science , I realise that it probably was his finest hour .
17 Many physicists ( pronounced ‘ fizzy-sists ’ ) have large pictures of him on the walls of their laboratories — just as you might have pictures of your favourite pop stars on the walls of your bedroom at home .
18 He has done an enormous amount of hard and soft thinking , but most of it about the stimuli to which he is responding , and the rest about whether he is being honest with himself as to how he is responding .
19 A young Paul Gascoigne has a torrid time of it at the hands of the opposition in a league football match back in 1989 .
20 There has been a great deal of change in European Securities Exchanges , much of it on the lines of London 's Big Bang ( abolition of fixed commissions in Paris , for example ) , and much of it with a view to maintaining or gaining business .
21 Even on my return through the ward , past ulcer and oedema , past sleepwalker and sleeptalker , I could feel the hungry suck of it on the soles of my black boots .
22 Mary Queen of Scots chose black morocco emblazoned with the royal lion of Scotland ; the French statesman Jean Baptiste Colbert had his 50,000 books bound in a morocco specially imported by treaty with the Sultan of Morocco ; one of the d'Urfe family opted for green velvet for his library of four thousand ; Madame du Deffand , friend of Voltaire and Horace Walpole ( to whom she left the care of her dog Tonton ) , endeavoured to immortalise her cat by using a gold stamp of it on the spines of her books ; the three daughters of Louis V each had her own colour with the fleur-de-lis in the centre of each cover — Adelaide red , Victoire olive green and Sophie citron .
23 I agree what Rita asked for which was that it should all be archived in a central divisional higher , and I am taking it that they I think that the way we generally go about it that when we do n't get an enquiry erm , or when we do n't get a commission we keep a copy of it with the documents for a reasonable period of time .
24 This relationship is expressed by the word ‘ friendship — , and includes many manifestations of it among the denizens of the earth both human and otherwise .
25 When the Council was wound up in 1982 , being replaced by the Secondary Examinations Council and School Curriculum Development Committee , there was so much work to be done on the curriculum and the examination of it in the years of compulsory school that consideration of the sixth-form curriculum lapsed into comparative inertia .
26 This produced a rich seam of tips , much of it from the artists at the Theatre Royal during rehearsals .
27 There were a few of the I-am-not-really-dead-but-just-popped-out-for-a-packet-of-fags sort of lines , which all went on a little long for Henry 's taste , and quite a number of death-as-a-viable-alternative-to-life stuff , much of it from the fathers of the early church .
28 They have the power to send the rest of us into the ranks of the army , if they like , or into prison or the colonies .
29 If the Press were to arrive you 'd find both of us at the gates with shot-guns .
30 In making such judgments one is in much the same position as a journalist describing a battle after it had taken place from the bar of a hotel , for the pressures in the 'sixties were very great and very immediate and those of us in the Ministries of Education responded to them as best we knew how .
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