Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [vb past] through the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A dull thud of hooves resounded through the valley as the horses checked pace and descended from the pasture on to the tree-shadowed bridleway that slants down the hillside to the ford at its base .
2 Then hundreds of hooves crashed through the ford , spattering water bright into the mist .
3 He was frail and bald ; a network of veins showed through the skin of his scalp and his eyes had sunk deep into their sockets , but his voice was firm and there was nothing wrong with his mind .
4 Bands of monkeys roamed through the canopy , sharp eyes glancing at her , small hands picking at the bark of her face .
5 THOUSANDS of demonstrators marched through the Moscow streets yesterday calling for an end to the Communist Party 's monopoly of power , in the first independent parade to be held on the anniversary of the Russian Revolution since Stalin imposed totalitarian conformity on the Soviet Union .
6 When the news was fully appreciated the delegates according to The BDN , " were uncontrollable and a sea of hands raced through the air in deaf applause . "
7 And ‘ oh ’ they went as their heads tipped back , and ‘ oo-oo-oh ’ as the slow rain of fireflies sank through the air to invisibility against the earth .
8 There was an enormous crash as the bag of stones plummeted through the roof of Tock 's cottage .
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