Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [vb past] into the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He had hardly finished his remark when there was a terrifying roar overhead as a salvo of shells crashed into the area near to where the Germans had been mortaring .
2 Oil-spill experts from a number of countries flew into the area to assist with cleaning-up operations , which were largely limited to defending the intakes of desalination plants with the use of booms and " skimmer " vessels ; the slick was seen as too large for practical use of chemical dispersants , which might in any case damage marine life , and the best hope for its dispersal lay in a combination of the natural processes of evaporation and breakdown by marine bacteria .
3 The sound of footsteps receded into the fog .
4 Together they barely had time to take up a position at the far door , seize a loaded gun , drop to one knee , and aim as , with a final heave , the bulging mass of bodies exploded into the room , followed by the living .
5 Both were essentially seminaries — a majority of undergraduates went into the church in the first half of the century- and finishing schools , where teaching rather than research was the norm .
6 In an attempt to extinguish the flames , a number of youths broke into the Space Invaders machine , filled their pockets with an estimated £140 worth of ten pence pieces and hurtled the machine at the blaze .
7 In a separate incident a gang of thieves broke into the Alea town museum and removed everything that was easily transportable only large statues were left behind .
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