Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [coord] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In addition , the analysis indicated that each of the main functional divisions ( ie operational , support and business ) should be at executive level so that all aspects of College activities would be reflected in the development of policies and in the overall management of the College .
2 Measures to promote more flexible forms of retirement — at a range of ages and on a part-time as well as full-time basis — and to outlaw age discriminatory employment and redundancy practices would therefore be an essential part of this strategy .
3 The Labour Party 's housing policy emphasized the development of council estates generally on the edge of cities or within the various new towns where land was much cheaper .
4 He disappears for a minute into the shrine and returns with two pairs of bells and with a yellow ikā marked between his eyes .
5 Some applications companies may also be enamoured by the possibility of using the NetWare Loadable Module to support demo licensing , which replaces ‘ cripple-ware ’ by a full copy of the application that will only run a limited number of times or for a limited length of time .
6 I am coming more and more to the view that the evolution of life , like the evolution of continents and of the stratigraphical column in general , has been a very episodic affair , with short " happenings " interrupting long periods of nothing much in particular .
7 In passing , it is also important to note that the practice in some Health Authorities of issuing annual financial reports in addition to these statutory accounts was recognized by the Manual as voluntary reports , complementing the Statement of Accounts and outside the formal external audit .
8 He was vice-president of the Royal College of Pathologists and of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and he served on many university and Health Service committees as chairman .
9 Even the most purely agricultural villages had a handful of craftsmen and in a few parishes , notably Spratton , Moulton and Hardingstone , between 40 and 60 per cent of those liable for duty were employed in non-agricultural pursuits for the major part of their time .
10 Many kings in the past have kept collections of animals and in the 12th Century A.D. King Henry I founded the first British zoo .
11 His lectures became notable and popular ; he had a command of words and of the crisp phrase .
12 As to the amount left for food and clothing after rent and a more flexible sum for heat had been deducted , wives tended to act as the buffer against the needs of husbands and to a lesser extent children .
13 Since then , much has been learnt about the structure and properties of proteins and about the active sites of enzymes .
14 There are ancient passageways full of shops and in the old , Moorish quarter there is a market .
15 He was knighted in 1932 and was subsequently made a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and of the Royal Society of Edinburgh .
16 Debates on Europe in the Assemblée Nationale are attended by a mere handful of deputés and after the dramatic debate in Westminster in June 1991 , Jacques Delors remarked that only the British were discussing Europe properly , adding that he wished the other countries would do the same .
17 He saw human beings not as a mass of contradictions but as a particular sort of person — a great nobleman or a poor scholar or a spotty-faced announcer from the BBC .
18 The door to Raynor 's room was down a flight of steps and through a narrow archway .
19 Reached by flights of steps and through the terraced garden , La Campanella is a fascinating small property in an elevated position above the main road in the centre of Taormina town .
20 He made his way along a footpath flanked by spacious lawns and spectacularly colourful flowerbeds … rumoured to contain plastic flowers to ensure a year-round display … , up a flight of steps and through the double doors of the tri-star-shaped glass and aluminium building .
21 When he had eaten , Selkirk returned and tossed his possessions at him ; Corbett gathered them up and followed Selkirk up rows of steps and into a small , darkened chamber .
22 The entrance is by a flight of steps and from the first floor .
23 Hosts : Horses and donkeys Site : Caecum and colon Species : For many years there has been a great deal of confusion in the classification of this group of parasites and in a recent revision it has been proposed that the genus Trichonema be discarded and replaced by four genera , namely Cyathostomum , Cylicocyclus , Cylicodontophorus and Cylicostephanus , these being collectively referred to as cyathostomes .
24 Within this , the Soviet of the Union ( elected by the whole population from constituencies of equal population size ) would be subordinate to the Soviet of the Republics : the latter would be elected from the republican parliaments retaining the same number of seats as in the current Soviet of Nationalities but with a single block vote for each republic .
25 Once installed , he wrote , it will start to do its work , and it will go on doing it , in the day-time , in the night-time , in the midst of visitors and in the empty silence , when the mausoleum is open to the public and when the mausoleum is closed to the public .
26 Er , I must n't be guilty of commercials but in the last council meeting of the night , again the subject came up of how we could welcome people coming to mass and this is nothing to do with a request council at all and er we ended up , and I think it 's fair to say what we decided er here , that people would individually they did n't know approach them .
27 After several days of paperwork in Bali and with the help of Continental 's cargo agent , Putra , we got the engine box out of Customs and on a Bouraq Airlines flight to Kupang .
28 As she and Marian dug out the vegetables in the pouring rain , they talked of Talbothays and of the sunny green fields and of Angel Clare .
29 All involved in the chain from installation to servicing , fully understand the design and function of plants and over the last decade an increasing awareness of the environment has concentrated concern for the situations in which people live , work and play .
30 The railway industry had a propaganda purpose in the streamlining of outlines and in the new doctrine of modernism in these years .
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