Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [prep] the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ development risks ’ defence is available where the defendant shows ‘ that the state of scientific and technical knowledge at the relevant time was not such that a producer of products of the same description as the product in question might be expected to have discovered the defect if it had existed in his products while they were under his control . ’
2 ( c ) Where the defendant can show that : " the state of scientific and technical knowledge at the relevant time was not such that a producer of products of the same description as the product in question might be expected to have discovered the defect if it had existed in his products while they were under his control " ( s. 4(1) ( e ) ) .
3 Section 4(1) ( e ) states as follows : ( e ) that the state of scientific and technical knowledge at the relevant time was not such that a producer of products of the same description as the product in question might be expected to have discovered the defect if it had existed in his products while they were under his control …
4 By allowing a number of copies of the same document to be produced on request from the microfilmed back-up copy , branches would be likely to establish their own duplicate files .
5 When a large number of copies of the same document or form are required , they can be duplicated or photocopied from a master copy .
6 Nevertheless , the numbers of women receiving outdoor relief decreased from 166,407 on 1 January 1871 to 53,371 on 1 January 1892 , and the numbers of widows in the same category fell from 53,502 on 1 January 1873 to 36,627 on 1 January 1892 .
7 This is a set of objects with the same representation .
8 A smile can charm and delude us so that we accept even lies and insults — providing that they are accompanied by the expected flash of teeth at the same time !
9 Comparison of illustrations of the same picture in several publications will demonstrate this truism , while the best test of looking at a reproduction in front of the picture itself can be a disheartening experience .
10 We 've had names that rhyme ( Lillee c Willey b Dilley ) , and even amazing technicoloured opening attacks ( Brown and White for England against Pakistan ) , but until this year , we had never seen two sets of namesakes in the same match .
11 Intended as well to improve the educational chances of children in the deprived inner cities , when first proposed they had the somewhat dubious appearance of being the outcome of a bright idea , one that would kill a variety of birds with the same stone : up with the inner cities ; , down with Local Authorities ; up with privatization ; down with education in the arts .
12 Tonal series are designed to contain note-groups of a triadic nature , or to have a whole group of notes in the same key .
13 The iterated game is simply the ordinary game repeated an indefinite number of times with the same players .
14 Krauss observes another case of mass reproduction in Manet 's ‘ assembly line ’ style of the continued overpainting of a large number of canvases at the same time .
15 This means that the accounting principles adopted must have an acceptable degree of objectivity in the sense that any accountant would produce an acceptable set of accounts from the same data .
16 We might wish to say that any accountant would produce the same set of accounts from the same data .
17 The introduction , in 1951 , of the General Certificate of Education made it easier to enrol secondary-modern pupils for such examinations , since at ordinary level ( O level ) the more able among them could now take one subject or a few subjects , without having to take a whole group of subjects at the same time .
18 Librarians point out that for their part they receive fewer volumes for their money , since the prices of books over the same period have risen distinctly faster than retail prices as a whole .
19 The only time I considered the title of a book was when I found a large number of books from the same library together .
20 ideally consist of words of the same class , preferably nouns , as they are easiest to put into frames .
21 This can leave an elderly person alone and facing a bewildering number of losses at the same time .
22 Past experience of losses of the same nature as a current loss was found to reduce the person 's capacity to deal with the current loss .
23 He charges in and out of shops with the same patter : ‘ Bonjour , a va ?
24 But the " pervasive " view of style also has to confront the fact that there may be a multiplicity of styles within the same work .
25 It is possible to plot the relationship between a number of variables on the same graph .
26 Society has changed since the days of the cart and horse , or since men with red flags walked in front of cars at the same speed as the Orange Walk .
27 Fibre-rich diets may help with weight loss by : reducing the amount of calories in the same volume of food ; increasing the amount of chewing and so slowing the rate of intake ; increasing the feeling of satisfaction ; helping to balance the body 's glucose and hormonal metabolisms ; and being more nutritious .
28 Case studies of screening and follow up provision will then be conducted in a range of schools in the same LEAs .
29 The number of former employees who have seriously contemplated legal action against a licensed dealer ( or shareshop ) is only matched by the number of clients in the same predicament .
30 Using conditional probability theory they suggest that the accuracy of maps resulting from overlay analysis is determined by the number of map layers , their accuracy and the coincidence of errors at the same position in several map layers .
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