Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [prep] [art] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The bill , which was expected to go before the Chamber of Deputies after the municipal and regional elections in May 1990 , prohibited ownership of a daily newspaper to anyone owning three or more television stations .
2 The narrow focus on an area also deflected attention away from such issues as economic and demographic mobility within and between the cities , and the problems associated with many public-sector housing schemes built on the edge of cities in the 1960s and 1970s .
3 Based mainly on research evidence that some schools are more effective than others in promoting the progress and development of their pupils , School Development Plans provide a mechanism to link the planning of improvements with the financial and staff development planning of the school as a whole .
4 The important concept of ‘ business unionism ’ relates to the securing of pragmatic , job-related goals in the form of improvements in the economic and social conditions of members , rather than concern with social reorganisation .
5 Some continuity of personnel between the new and the old is often welcomed as the most effective means of preserving the loyalty of the clients and maybe the appointment of the sole practitioner or the senior partner of the acquired business as consultant to the new firm for a limited time will be considered .
6 Its " tough scenario " , required to reach the 35 per cent target , would include the following measures : the insulation of houses to a standard that would reduce heating requirements by 85 per cent and air conditioning by 45 per cent ; the introduction of energy-efficient lighting for commercial buildings , to cut consumption by 60 per cent ; a requirement that new car engines be designed to achieve an average of 58 miles per gallon ; a reduction in coal-fired power stations , with compensatory increases in natural gas and nuclear generating capacity ; and the planting of large areas of forest , which would act as a " sink " for excess carbon dioxide .
7 The difficulty of resolving this issue contributed to the failure of proposals in the 1970s for a Scottish assembly when Labour was last in power .
8 What are the most important factors to take into account when assessing the behaviour of groups in an industrial or commercial setting ?
9 This paper describes an alternative approach whereby the thermal histories of coals from the Palaeozoic and from the Tertiary are deduced from simulation experiments in which samples with different natural maturities are heated under identical conditions of time and temperature .
10 Assessing the effectiveness of programmes in a systematic and regular way is the newest and most difficult area of work that public sector management must adapt to .
11 ‘ There are a lot of blanks in the Thirties where we do n't know a great deal about it and there was a period just after the war from 1947 through to the middle Fifties — that 's another gap .
12 At the end of the second year the exercise is done again , and at the end of the third year , when it has more significance … bearing in mind their choice of subjects for the fourth and fifth year .
13 With XPG4 , as part of its sworn intent to become more user-oriented , X/Open will be assembling various specific user packages and profiles made up of combinations of the existing and new XPG components .
14 We can not afford to overlook the cruel irony enacted by the racist regime of freeing one generation of fighters from the sixties and seventies , while proceeding to serve long sentences on a new generation of fighters of the eighties .
15 There has , for example , been a marked reduction in direct council provision of homes for the elderly and a concomitant increase in privately run homes .
16 I I 'm very grateful to the Secretary of State , erm is he aware that increasingly over this winter there have been examples of homes for the elderly and particularly nursing homes in the private sector without casting a valued judgement on the role of the private sector , er homes that are finding difficulty in the filling the beds because of policy that is being pursued in care in the community .
17 This course is designed to prepare graduates for careers at managerial level in a wide range of organizations in the retail and distributive trades .
18 The Intimate Machine raises many issues concerning the social impact of computers in an invigorating and highly readable manner .
19 The government banks with the Bank of England , therefore the daily flows of funds between the private and public sectors are reflected in equal but opposite changes in two of the Bank 's liabilities , a flow towards the government , for example , causing a fall in bankers ' deposits and a matching rise in public deposits .
20 In the discount market the Bank of England takes advantage of day-to-day flows of funds between the public and private sectors to indicate the way in which it wishes to see short-term interest rates move .
21 Masters champion Fred Couples , tied for the lead after 17 holes , drove his ball out of bounds on the 18th and took a double bogey to drop one shot behind the Zimbabwean at 71 in the 36-hole event between winners of this year 's four major championships .
22 Les quatre Souhais Saint Martin , " The four wishes of St Martin " , a fabliau found in four manuscripts , one copy being an Anglo-Norman version in an English manuscript , represents a distinctive subset of fabliaux with a supernatural and religious setting .
23 What we wan na do is think of some buildings and describe them to ourselves and then work out what style , cos the thing is since the 1960s , styles like we want , like a progression of styles till the 1990s and see what 's changed and what 's stayed .
24 The establishment of polytechnics in the 1960s and the general growth of further education , followed by the raising of the school-leaving age to sixteen in 1972 , caused a rapid growth in educational spending on both capital and current account .
25 After a rush of taker-overs in the 1950s and 1960s , from Yeovil to Walsall , Charrington merged with the northern-based United Breweries .
26 Considerations of this kind probably help to account for some interesting changes in the tenure of offices during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries .
27 It appears that the L3 lose their sheaths while penetrating the wall of the caecum and central colon and within one week provoke the formation of nodules in the muscular and subserosal layers of the intestine .
28 On Feb. 3 the LDP received a further boost , when one of the wings of the divided Nacionalista Party ( NP ) , that led by Senator Juan Ponce Enrile ( Defence Secretary under former President Ferdinand Marcos , and until Feb. 3 a candidate in his own right ) and former Senator Arturo Tolentino , announced that it would join a coalition with the LDP , in exchange for places in the LDP 's slates of candidates for the congressional and local elections .
29 Probably HMI 's greatest influence was Aspects of Secondary Education ( 1978 ) , which first commented so authoritatively and adversely on the short-changing of youngsters through the unfettered and badly guided option system at the end of the third year of secondary education .
30 The oboe is much harder to play , but gives a clear , incisive lead and offers a range of effects from the Oriental and haunting to the gently pastoral .
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