Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [verb] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We are living in a remarkable time , when the conflict of opinions renders a firm foundation of knowledge indispensable …
2 In the end , wherever NIREX held ‘ consultation ’ meetings , its teams of experts met a frosty reception .
3 You can see that there are plenty of reasons to maintain a reasonable level of exercise .
4 Indeed a recent collection of essays shows a remarkable convergence of opinion among contributors supporting the propositions that Max Weber himself had an eminently post-Enlightenment and ‘ post-metanarrative ’ idea of modernity ( Whimster and Lash 1987 ) .
5 The next most difficult aspects to understand about Chinese herbal medicine are the rationales for using specific parts of plants and the mixing of herbs to prepare a particular formulation .
6 The 1982 Local Government Finance Act abolished the right of authorities to set a supplementary rate and the 1984 Rates Act empowered the government to limit the spending and rates of centrally defined overspending authorities .
7 Some strains of nematodes have a high propensity for arrested development while in others this is low .
8 They may also partly explain the limited success of attempts to induce a full programme of T-cell development using either monolayer cultures of a single thymic stromal cell type , or cocktails of cytokines .
9 A series of attempts to form a new coalition government had failed , and on 5 May President Coty sent a message to de Gaulle , asking whether he would be willing to enter into negotiations to form a government .
10 However , it is not very satisfactory from the point of view of attempts to construct a complete theory because it does not make any predictions of the values of the finite remainders left after making infinite subtractions .
11 This level of divergence is compatible with the results of attempts to identify a living mammal that is comparable to the mammalian common ancestor .
12 Perhaps one reason for the paucity of attempts to offer a direct critique of the " aims of English " , is the tendency within the discipline to avoid overt and detailed manifestos or statements of aims and objects upon which such critiques might be based .
13 We may even suggest that the theory of contracts presents an ideal terrain for an examination of these fundamental issues of political philosophy , for the law of contract lies at the intersection of the market and the state , using the coercive power of the latter to reinforce the discipline of the former .
14 Given that individual autonomy comprises a fundamental tenet for liberalism , legal enforcement of contracts demands a careful justification , for legal sanctions inevitably place fetters upon a person 's freedom of action .
15 In an effort to stabilize the economy and foster growth , the House of Deputies approved an urgent government bill on March 27 , making the austral freely convertible against the US dollar .
16 Inside , the entrance hall was designed like a grand salon of a Renaissance palace , highly decorated , with Corinthian pilasters rising to a series of cornices surrounding a painted ceiling .
17 There are many modern examples of artists taking a nonchalent attitude to their own work .
18 The outward characteristics of religions have an inner meaning which brings them from their very separate and distinct starting-points towards an appreciation of the Mystery at the heart of religion where paradoxically the distinctions merge .
19 Database systems employing symbolic keys for identification of objects have an inherent advantage over less conceptual approaches in handling text whose content is continuously changing .
20 Meanwhile , a wide variety of courts administered a wide variety of laws all over western Europe ; and if one asked a man in any part of Europe to whose law he was subject , he might well have answered ‘ to my law ’ — for law was a personal thing , which a man might carry about with him ; it bound him to the courts to which his ancestors had been subject , to the laws of those courts , and gave him the privileges which those courts provided .
21 This study showed that all nuclei in the upper one third of crypts have a diploid DNA content in both FAP cases and SCRC cases .
22 Each pair of houses shared a front door , staircase and a passageway which led to the small rear yard .
23 In this field the LANDSAT series of satellites provides an enormous amount of data ( Harris , 1979 ) .
24 The reports of healing and of materialisations reflect a marked similarity to Biblical miracles .
25 In June 1991 a determined group of cyclists converted a muddy quagmire into an all-weather cycle/pedestrian path .
26 For example , the well-established tradition of ‘ community studies ’ , which involves a researcher or a team of researchers using a wide variety of methods to study a whole community , has been producing work in both Britain and the USA almost continuously since the 1920s .
27 Three quarters of the way round the circuit I was surprised to find a small Party of Germans erecting a barbed wire barricade across the path .
28 In another respect , the desire to focus on the physical experience of labourers raises a deeper issue .
29 Twenty nine per cent of cases had a mixed infection , and chronic diarrhoea was more frequent in these patients .
30 The remaining 90 per cent of cases remained an obstinate mystery until the middle fifties , when it became possible to culture this obscure organism on the yolk-sac of the chicken embryo .
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