Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [verb] into the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Last October , just before a visit to Hong Kong by a Chinese team of experts looking into the airport , the Hong Kong government suddenly announced that a bridge that is a big part of the project would be paid for entirely with public money ; before , it had said the bridge would be private .
2 Examples include : the automatic generation of weather forecasts by a computer communicating with satellites , the selection of lists of random numbers for a competition or for the Premium Bond draw , programs which produce artistic designs or music automatically , being based upon a set of rules built into the program , a program designed to simulate some particular environment , such as climate , monetary systems , battle scenarios , etc .
3 Steel met steel with a force that sent a nearby flock of birds shrieking into the air .
4 95% of complaints are actually dealt with outside the courts ; 5% of cases get into the courts .
5 She spent the next couple of hours staring into the darkness .
6 The prophets announce their visionary hope of nations gathered into the kingdom of God 's eternal peace , when the dangers of darkness are cast aside and light is victorious .
7 At the same moment , a rush of flame came from the rear , followed by a flock of fire-arrows streaming into the rigging .
8 He had hardly finished his remark when there was a terrifying roar overhead as a salvo of shells crashed into the area near to where the Germans had been mortaring .
9 The oldest mechanical conservation measure is the bench terrace which consists of a series of steps cut into the slope on the contour , of which the forward edge can be lined with stone or planted with bushes , trees or grasses .
10 A new conveyancer would be well advised to have a typed-out schedule of steps clipped into the side of his file , so that each requirement can be ticked off as the transaction proceeds .
11 I shine my pocket torch onto hundreds of crabs skittering into the sea .
12 The extensive slate quarries , and the long rows of cottages occupied by those who work there , are a strongly-marked feature in the day 's walk ; while many of the walls are entirely composed of slates fixed into the ground and placed upright : in the churchyard many of the tombstones were slate slabs , with painted inscriptions .
13 Oil-spill experts from a number of countries flew into the area to assist with cleaning-up operations , which were largely limited to defending the intakes of desalination plants with the use of booms and " skimmer " vessels ; the slick was seen as too large for practical use of chemical dispersants , which might in any case damage marine life , and the best hope for its dispersal lay in a combination of the natural processes of evaporation and breakdown by marine bacteria .
14 EAST GERMANY yesterday effectively barred its citizens from Czechoslovakia , but agreed to allow the second wave of refugees crammed into the West German embassy in Prague to leave for the West .
15 The sound of footsteps receded into the fog .
16 After a countdown from Jeff Banks , thousands of visitors rushed into the hall — it felt as though they were ALL at our stand !
17 Then it was the turn of Canizares to fall into the arms of his colleagues after holing a 38 inch putt to secure the vital point .
18 So in fact there may be a quality of treatment actually between someone retiring at fifty or fifty-five in terms of the number of years paid into the pension fund , as someone say age seventy .
19 In addition , the activities of firms moving into the area in response to gasfield opportunities are also being monitored .
20 Clouds of sea-birds wheeled into the air at the noise .
21 The number of trekkers going into the area is only partially to blame .
22 The concept of adverse interference with or usurpation of rights introduces into the word appropriation the mental state of both the owner and the accused .
23 By analysing this concept it is possible to suggest four alternative decision-making systems that vary as the level of assumptions built into the information system increases .
24 They joined the long silent line of monks filing into the church .
25 A trickle of wax , a hiss of steaming ale , a molten wedge of congealed pots and pans , clots of silver , the black ash of canvas , a gout of feathers exploding into the air ; and an eerie ringing of reforged wheelrims , wagon arches and barrel rings .
26 The Region has a contract with the Consortium ‘ Venezia Disinquinamento ’ ( Venice De-pollution ) for the purification of waters draining into the Lagoon from the surrounding hinterland , and a contract for the provision of technical services required ( including all the legal and administrative procedures ) to de-pollute the Lagoon , the historic centre of Venice and the towns of Mira and Chioggia .
27 It was reported that Samater , the outgoing Prime Minister , was reappointed only after the failure of efforts to bring into the post someone from the Issak tribe , whose appointment could suggest some degree of reconciliation in the civil war .
28 Lio ! rt chose that moment to flail down with his free hand , and a fistful of rings stabbed into the wizard 's fingers .
29 Every offering seems to contain at least four separate songs — so there 's rarely any danger of things descending into the kind of tedium often purveyed by dreadlocked squat-dwellers .
30 What sort of things go into the impression we create on the telephone ?
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