Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun sg] [adv] [conj] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 There was nothing precious about the playing — no feeling of careful compromise so as to accommodate the work 's problems , and certainly , to hornist Frank Lloyd 's playing , one can listen , whatever the technical complexities , in the comfortable knowledge that nothing will slip between bell and lip .
2 The programme is intended to ensure that people can make profit out of public service rather than to achieve the goals that we see as important for ourselves .
3 It would be perfectly possible to recast the system of democratic supervision so as to restore a considerable part of the power of the Commons and to provide a devolved system of regional and local elected councils , which would mean that every important administrative body was subject to checks and examination at one or other of the three levels — national , regional or local .
4 Certainly the key objective is to find a means of aligning the discipline with the needs of contemporary society so as to justify claims for the centrality of English within university education .
5 Thus , where at the outset it has been decided ( Clause 12.01 ) to leave the goodwill of the firm out of individual account so as to allow it to enure for the benefit of the continuing practice , or where , for similar reasons , revaluations of partnership assets have been ruled out , this should be specified ( Clause 12.02 ) .
6 He knows that they are regarded simply as Tory party stooges put there to do a job on behalf of central office rather than to represent the interests of the people .
7 Would it not be preferable to broaden the defence of diminished responsibility so as to convert it into a defence of extreme emotional disturbance , applicable to both sexes ?
8 As a result , the social responsibility theory was born ; newspapers remained the property of their owners , they could still be bought and sold in the marketplace , but owners and newspapers were now credited with obligations to society — obligations to provide information , to allow a diversity of views to be printed , to encourage the best and most professional of journalistic activity so as to pursue truth and knowledge ( Table 2.1 ) .
9 If , for example , language is used to establish a context of shared knowledge rather than to identify aspects of a pre-existing one , then there is likely to be a higher degree of explicit lexical reference and so a higher proportion of full words .
10 You should keep uppermost in your mind the idea of minimum involvement so as to avoid the problems of parents becoming too dependent on professionals .
11 The possible mechanisms by which EFAs might improve inflammatory skin disease include modification of eicosanoid metabolism so as to favour synthesis of relatively non-inflammatory prostaglandins and leukotrienes .
12 In spheres of conduct such as these , where the risks are widely known , there are strong reasons for broadening the basis of criminal liability so as to encompass negligence .
13 The North Committee recommended a reformulation of the offence of reckless driving so as to encompass ‘ very bad driving ’ of a wider kind , retaining careless driving as the lower offence .
14 In short , the social debate on evacuation probably served to reinforce existing analyses of working-class poverty rather than to change them : for conservative social observers , it confirmed their view that the bulk of the problems were caused by an incorrigible underclass of personally inadequate ‘ cultural orphans ’ for whom a Welfare State could do little .
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