Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun] [verb] to a " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , there was a very close relationship between employment opportunities and trends of immigration , especially from the Caribbean ; Ceri Peach 's research demonstrates that throughout the 1950s periods of economic expansion led to a rise in immigration while periods of recession led to a decline ( Peach , 1968 ) .
2 Thus the omission of economic factors leads to a divergence of demand estimates between builders and regions thus increasing the potential for unnecessary conflict .
3 A recent study of square-headed brooches came to a similar conclusion ( Hines 1984 , p. 180 ) ; they could be divided into three phases on the basis of their distribution : general , localised and , finally , more numerous and widespread .
4 It could have accepted the proposals which I put forward to rationalise and institutionalise the administrative jurisdiction in a boldly-conceived system of administrative courts separated to a large extent from the ordinary routine of departmental administration and free from indirect ministerial interference .
5 Consequently , once the northern campaign was resumed , on 20 April , the task of political reorganization came to a temporary halt .
6 Similarly the detail design of swept-wing kites contributes to a consistent performance .
7 Therefore , a lawyer , a financial analyst , an accountant , or journalist , aware of inside information relating to a company in whose shares he trades , is liable under Rule 10b-5 notwithstanding the absence of a fiduciary duty to the issuer of the securities provided there is at least a duty owed to another person — here the law firm , the financial intermediary , the accountancy firm , or the newspaper .
8 Moreover , it is possible to incorporate elements of randomness into quota sampling by rejecting numbers of possible respondents according to a random sequence .
9 A team of German engineers assigned to a European Community ( EC ) project to repair the town 's water system ( damaged some months earlier ) had left the country on account of the fighting .
10 While 45 per cent of German Jews agreed to a return , Arab Jews were 100 per cent opposed .
11 All cereals , fruits and vegetables contain some dietary fibre , but , just as the calorie content of different foods varies to a great degree , so does the fibre content of different plant foods .
12 The concept of free will belongs to a different arena from that of fundamental laws of science .
13 The series of public meetings came to a climax on the weekend of 30 March with a large protest march , in which anti-nuclear groups participated along with local people , in Lettermacaward .
14 The task of liberating Kuwait fell to a combination of US Marines , Saudi and Kuwaiti forces .
15 With women especially , there is a great deal of social pressure to conform to a certain physical shape .
16 It is some evidence , that is , that the concept of social class points to a real phenomenon with stable properties as reflected in the empirical relationships among the various indicators .
17 In one way , this lack of British involvement contributes to a view that , even before the shifts and lapses of the 1930s and 1950s , Britain has always had an impoverished experimental tradition , repeatedly needing to borrow from France , Ireland , the USA or wherever , to compensate for a bankruptcy of energies in the domestic context .
18 Allegations by the US ambassador in January 1991 of official corruption led to a further erosion of public confidence in Menem who was forced to reorganize his Cabinet [ see p. 37959 ] .
19 It therefore approaches and studies the mass media from a number of perspectives , such as cultural premises , the potential for change and the evolution of normative values leading to a ‘ new order ’ .
20 Add about five or six tablespoons of cold water to mix to a soft , but not sticky dough .
21 Two years of basic research led to a first description of Mamprusi court ritual and the system of succession .
22 The way that the assessors in Scotland attacked the valuation of domestic property led to a revolt among Scottish Conservative voters living in the big houses of Scotland .
23 The lack of human stories led to a sanitised , sterile picture of what was really happening .
24 RAF Swinderby was ‘ contractorised ’ as far back as the 1960s because the ending of National Service led to a shortage of cooks and stewards and now ther are probably about a score of units which work a mainly 9–5 day , or where the numbers are fairly small , that may be most suitable for ‘ contractorising ’ .
25 More than three-quarters of black Americans belong to a church , and nearly half go to church every week .
26 The accretion of gradual changes led to a crisis and to the necessity for structural change .
27 While GRIST courses can help to raise awareness of particular issues , the benefits of providing a programme of in-house courses addressed to a particular school 's needs may have much more relevance for the staff .
28 This book is , however , confined to contemporary change , and by the mid-1970s concern about landscape change and particularly the loss of traditional features led to a revival of interest in the field , particularly by those geographers employed in the public services .
29 Organic evolution , behavioural evolution , and the old problem of mental evolution come to a common focus in a study of this structure .
30 Similarly , if your problem is one of poor ventilation leading to a steamy or smoke-filled room in which it is difficult to see anything , the solution is obviously an air extractor .
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