Example sentences of "of [art] very [adj] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ As soon as I am rich I mean to engage some of the very finest artists in their respective lines to paint figures into the landscapes , but these must be of a large size , and if executed in a superior manner will find many admirers ’ .
2 We have some of the very finest schools to be found anywhere in the world — but we also have many which are simply unacceptable . ’
3 Not only was he one of the very rare examples of a writer who produced great work in more than one genre , but in a career which spanned nearly 60 years , his talent had developed from traditional Victorian fiction to innovative 20th century poetry .
4 We found that the length of time transported chickens spent in this catatonic state matched that which researchers elsewhere have shown to be typical of the very highest levels of fear .
5 Significantly enough one of the very earliest uses of the term ‘ postmodern ’ , dating from the time of the Second World War , was that of Arnold Toynbee in his A Study of History .
6 Note that each list gives just a few of the very many uses of the techniques concerned in mathematics learning .
7 The categories of speech and thought presentation are perhaps the most significant contributions made by stylistics to the understanding of narrative fiction , adding depth to the analysis of narrative point of view , and enabling precise analysis of the very subtle movements between commentary and focalisation in the narrative voice .
8 We could not grow CTL to 1s6 from all B53-positive donors during the low transmission season for malaria but , as previous work suggested , detectable CTL to P. falciparum may be relatively short-lived in the absence of boosting , and low precursor frequencies may be common because of the very small numbers of hepatocytes infected by each sporozoite inoculum .
9 In fact it 's sometimes said that it 's one of the very great privileges of the public is that they can , by dint of writing something , and putting it in an envelope with a stamp on it , get it to arrive on an editor 's desk , and have the editor at least give a cursory glance if not a more serious glance at what 's going on , so it 's a privilege and it 's an opportunity in that case .
10 He had already done some painting in Vienna and it had shown in some of the very early exhibitions at Euston Road School .
11 We are delighted that Scottish Opera have cast Jean Rigby in the leading role — she is one of the very best exponents in the world today of that extraordinarily demanding role .
12 Open the shutters at the Bucintoro and you open up to some of the very best views of Venice .
13 In 1958 , Mr and Mrs Mummery decided they would try to import some stock of the very best blood-lines into Australia .
14 Afghan and Turkoman rugs , whether of nomadic , village or workshop origin , are with few exceptions excellent value for money , and in terms of sheer quality constitute some of the very best rugs in their price range on the market today .
15 And on this , one of the very best days of my life , I thought about my grandmother and how she had loved and cared for me when I was very young in Jamaica .
16 These two thriving resorts boast some of the very best beaches on the Adriatic .
17 ‘ The NHS has had the lion 's share of the very substantial increases in public spending over the last few years , and this has resulted in higher standards of care and treatment , ’ he writes .
18 One of the very first actors to be labelled a hellraiser was Peter Finch .
19 He arrived in England in 1963 when aged 16 and almost immediately immersed himself in sport ; as such he was one of the very first sportsmen to energy from the second generation West Indian immigrants .
20 Brian was one of the very first members of the ACET team and will be greatly missed .
21 One of the very first examples of Gothic architecture was the Abbey Church of S. Denis , built in the decade from 1135 by the Abbé Suger .
22 First of all , Marx 's theory of historical materialism was one of the very first theories of society and change to be formulated which provided a historical overview and , at the same time , attempted to mesh together the workings of social , economic and political phenomena .
23 Table 4.1 provides summary details of the very first destinations of students at the end of their courses .
24 Nevertheless Bernier was cautiously appreciative of most aspects of India and was one of the very first apologists for Mughal culture against the growing arrogance of its European visitors .
25 On the other hand , there are three points which may count in its favour : First , it provides a straightforward account of the very varied uses of adjectives in English , and points to a quite direct correlation between observable facts and a highly economical set of assumptions about basic grammatical relations .
26 But it was the piercing electromagnetic field forces and the solar wind that blew away most of the atmospheres consisting of the very lightest gases from the planets nearest to the sun , to leave them with dense cores of rock and metal , the outer gaseous planets being less affected in this way ( now we can see why the innermost planets of the solar system are solid , metallic and rocky , while the outer ones are icy and gaseous ) .
27 A fortnight or so after I had dictated it in October 1971 , I had a telephone call from Harold Wilson to know whether I had read Wigg 's memoirs , and was I aware of the very personal attacks on him and Marcia Williams ?
28 Such mobility in the settlements of the period is most graphically demonstrated by the results of the very large-scale excavations at Mucking ( Jones 1979a ) .
29 The scene before me reminded me of the very similar scenes in the Highland crofts , the only difference being the now almost overpowering smell of onions .
30 In Jimmy Wilde , the world flyweight champion from 1916 , Britain produced one of the very greatest boxers of all time .
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