Example sentences of "of [art] [adv] [adj] [noun pl] the " in BNC.

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1 Mark Moreso , one of the most talented boys the scheme will ever see , had a different problem .
2 However , the Sari , as a great increase ceremony , is one of the most dangerous rituals the Piaroa perform , and , as such , only a great ruwang and his wife may present it .
3 One of the most modern flotels the Holmia has twin cabins , a gym , cinema , recreation rooms and two saunas .
4 I mean Leonardo , without question one of the most outstanding geniuses the world has ever known — but he said that . ’
5 It was certainly one of the most surreal sights the Doctor had experienced in his many years of travelling .
6 In the latter part of the fourth century the last great emperor of the west , Theodosius , who was of Spanish origin , finally abolished the pagan Roman calendar with its hotchpotch of festivals , thereby severing one of the most familiar links the Romans had with their historic past .
7 One of the most positive things the Catholic Church had done for screwing was trying to stamp it out .
8 The chairman of its Scottish council , Dr Mac Armstrong , told a press conference in Edinburgh : ‘ This should be one of the most exciting enterprises the NHS has ever engaged in but the enthusiasm for this initiative — which is there — may turn to scepticism because of the Government 's commitment to it . ’
9 The 75th anniversary flypast is one of the most ambitious displays the RAF has ever staged , ivolving more than a third of it 's aircraft .
10 One of the most important things the VBK did was to start a privately-run school of art for women in 1868 .
11 One of the most important things the Cichlid keeper must learn is patience !
12 One of the most important concerns the ending , which was to have been based on an Old Believer melody Mussorgsky had taken down from a friend .
13 One of the most valuable lessons the Party had learnt during the initial twenty years of land reform was that socialism could only be achieved through stages .
14 The conciliar stress upon it was not new and the Decree on the Lay Apostolate is one of the less advanced texts the Council produced .
15 NME remains one of the very few places the featherbed treatment is n't guaranteed .
16 Of the more ancient languages the local historian will encounter in the course of his studies , Old French ( Anglo-Norman ) will be the least important .
17 ‘ Now is n't dat Irish , Mr Sanders ? ’ he exclaimed enjoying the joke on himself , which was one of the more agreeable characteristics the Irish had in common with the English .
18 OF THE more common festivals the most interesting of those mentioned in the Stamford Mercury is Plough Monday , which is reported during the mid-nineteenth century .
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