Example sentences of "of [art] [adj] few [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The same two kinds of explanations could also apply to the layering of the outer few kilometres of the Apollo 17 site .
2 In a careful review of the first few years after reorganisation , a group of academics from the London School of Economics assessed the performance of the new London local authorities ( Rhodes 1972 ) .
3 In December 1987 the cost-of-living index was 170 per cent above its level in December of the previous year , and even under the ‘ price freeze ’ of the first few months of 1988 , prices continued to rise at a rate equivalent to an annual rate of about 100 per cent .
4 ( One of the originators once told me that his memory of the first few weeks of the organization was of people literally waiting in turn to answer the phone every time it rang . )
5 It certainly begins to seem as though the materialist philosophy of the last few decades in the West was a myth just like any other , now that science is getting so weird , what with particles travelling back in time , and the fantastic strangeness of the new cosmology and chaos theory ( all those pretty Mandelbrot sets , and stuff about butterflies in China causing storms over the Atlantic ties in perfectly with the New Spirituality ) .
6 Jackie Aitchison , chairman of the consortium , has spent much of the last few weeks in talks with potential partners .
7 Developments of the last few years within mainstream nursery settings as well as within ‘ special needs ’ contexts demonstrate a commitment to dealing with the whole child , taking into account major influences on his/her life and progress .
8 It is necessary to cut through the confusion and to attack the mess of local government finance which is the legacy of the past few years of Conservative rule .
9 I advise him and others to be extremely reticent in proceeding to the supposedly automatic system of introducing guillotine motions , especially after our experience of the past few years under the Government .
10 This interest has now received a further stimulus from the events of the past few years in Europe .
11 Alison escaped with only aches and pains from an accident which could easily have claimed her life … now she hopes she can put all the anxiety of the past few months behind her .
12 The prince has come in for a lot of criticism from the UN and the West for spending most of the past few months in China .
13 The drama of the past few days in Kabul has highlighted the two central problems of modern Afghanistan : one is the difficulty of finding a balance between the dominant Pathans and the array of other ethnic groups , Tajiks , Uzbeks , Hazaras and others who occupy the northern and western parts of the country ; the other is the tension between modernising élites in Kabul and the largely tribal rural population .
14 Not being detached for service in America , he probably spent most of the next few years in London .
15 Meanwhile Chris Protheroe , who spent much of the next few months at the massive Boeing plant in Seattle , was trying to discover the origin of the fatigue fracture of the stabilizer rear spar top chord .
16 So here I am , nursing a bruised bum , dented ego and the loss of a fair few possessions including dear old Wat Son !
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