Example sentences of "of [art] [adj] [noun pl] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Joseph Gill , John Pinney 's hard-drinking cousin , lived as near by as caretaker ; Peggy Marsh , described by Dorothy as ‘ one of the nicest girls I ever saw ’ , arrived after a month to help in running the enormous house ; and from the beginning Wordsworth and Dorothy were preoccupied with caring for a child not yet three years old called Basil Montagu .
2 At his best , he was one of the funniest storytellers you ever heard .
3 The small scale of its activities was always mentioned : it was estimated that of the 30,000 boys who annually left London elementary schools , not more than 2% came under its influence and that of similar organizations .
4 On behalf of the Liberal Democrats he now intended to work , in partnership with the Communist Party , for Genuine Socialism .
5 Such data could provide a better understanding of how pneumonia fits into the course of the chronic diseases it often accompanies , and thereby form a basis for therapeutic decision-making .
6 There again , we had one of the best encouragements we ever had .
7 One of the best investments we ever made in our business .
8 The year will be remembered as one of the best times we ever had .
9 We had a lot in common and we liked each other and he was one of the best directors I ever had . ’
10 Erm DOS Five was one of the best buys I ever made because
11 Looking back on the deal , Chapman believed that ‘ one of the best bargains I ever made was the most costly one . ’
12 That 's very true and they have a the industry itself , you know , now has to pick itself up and say right we , you know , and it 's very easy to talk oneself into recession and January and February , normally fairly dull months anyway , we are now , on March the first , Saint David 's Day , at the brink of a season which could be one of the best seasons they ever have .
13 He points to some of the planned sessions which together constitute a ‘ business stream ’ , beginning with an opening session which , he says , ‘ starts on the basis of , forget IT , what are the critical success factors of your business ? ’ , and is then followed on the next day by looking at how to manage for change by establishing an IT corporate policy .
14 This helped developers by relieving them of the expensive negotiations they usually have to undertake .
15 do n't obsess yourself with the idea that none of them ( Unionist MPs ) understand the view of the man in the street … there is plenty of soundness in the party inside the House … and , easy as it is to call everyone inside Parliamentarians , and to assume that everyone outside are the only judges … you will have to get inside before you realize the difficulties of the situation , or the value of the cool-headed men who still represent the Unionist party in the House , and remain independent of Cabinet influence …
16 At the turn of the century other ideas later to be seen as part of algebra were coming from the pen of Carl Friedrich Gauss , one of the greatest mathematicians who ever lived .
17 One of the finest books I ever had to review was Janet and Allan Ahlbergs Funnybones , a brilliant tale of what a skeleton family gets up to at night when everyone else is in bed .
18 A. The British Rail Sealink ferry is just one of the many ships which frequently cross the Irish Sea .
19 Her cotton dress was rent almost from the armpit to the hem and as she leaned forward to bring a saucer of water to the lips of a wounded man , the Collector glimpsed three polished ribs and the shrunken globe of her breast ; modesty was one of the many considerations which no longer troubled her .
20 He enjoyed the fury , not always speechless , of the good Conservatives who occasionally had to stand in the corridor , popping their eyes at this spectacle of enthroned privilege .
21 It was decided to bring about the dissolution of the greater part of this library , and the library was offered for sale by Messrs Sotheby at one of the provincial salerooms they then owned , Sotheby 's Taunton .
22 Greenpeace is mounting a campaign against drift nets and Xavier Pastor , the Mediterranean co-ordinator , comments that some 800-900 of the 1,200 boats which regularly use drift nets come from Italy .
23 To combat ageism , therefore , we need knowledge and understanding of the effective adjustments which so many very old people make in the face of radically changed situations , physical , social and emotional .
24 His concern is with the impact of technical change on two of the four factors we previously identified as potential sources of job satisfaction , namely social relations at work and the exercise of skill and knowledge .
25 A summit meeting took place on Feb. 24 in Amman , the Jordanian capital , of the heads of state of the four countries which together composed the Arab Co-operation Council ( ACC ) , the organization set up in February 1989 under an agreement between Egypt , Iraq , Jordan and North Yemen [ see p. 36474 ] .
26 When this logic was applied to the lower ranks of the armed forces it also carried the gloss that these men were less capable of intellectual control , being more animal and closer to nature .
27 A friend and I in in our church we 've started erm a mother and toddler service and that seemed to really help a lot of the young mums they really look forward and they said could we have it more often .
28 They [ i.e. researchers ] must be concerned with providing a model of interpretation of evidence from theory and experiment , related to the solution of the practical problems which immediately present themselves to classroom teachers .
29 But by the time we reached the foot of the fixed ropes it suddenly changed , with the wind dropping and the snow stopping .
30 He has had the opportunity to reproduce 430 of the 500 drawings which originally constituted that collection and to mount a touring exhibition over three years : for the first , and probably only time therefore , they will all be seen together right across the world .
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