Example sentences of "of [art] [adj] [noun] [noun] ' " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , he is a member of the Irish Bank Officials ' Association and at the Special Delegate Conference , in the Mansion House , Dublin on 13th March , a Resolution was passed calling on all members to support Frank Holden in his quest for justice .
2 In his Recommendation he also completely ignores the role of the Irish Bank Officials ' Association as representative of Staff .
3 In England and Wales , most of the major housing associations ' tenants have few rights of democratic control over their landlords .
4 ( The reviewer adds that it is ‘ high time ’ the director of the ensemble in question ‘ took some notice ’ of such criticisms a clear indication , if any were needed , of the Early music reviewers ' sense that reviews address performers directly and can even be used to call them to account . )
5 Leeds boss Wilkinson , chairman of the influential League Managers ' Association , said Fry 's dismissal was the latest episode of ‘ soap opera ablutions ’ to blight the Underhill club .
6 Wilkinson , chairman of the influential League Managers ' Association , said Fry 's dismissal was the latest episode of ‘ soap opera ablutions ’ to blight the Underhill club .
7 A letter came from the President of the Poor Law Unions ' Association , asking for support in opposition to a Bill which had been introduced on behalf of Bradford Corporation .
8 THE LARGE divide between the sport in North America and the worldwide game will be closed with the imminent merger , made known yesterday , of the International Squash Players ' Association and the body representing professionals across the Atlantic , the World Professionals Squash Association , writes D J Rutnagur .
9 On 28 September 1911 Hermann Jochade , secretary of the International Transport Workers ' Federation in a letter to its secretary Arthur Cannon expressed his surprise at the branch 's actions , and noted " I have myself investigated the workings of the National Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union , as I have done with other unions connected with the International Transport Workers ' Federation in Great Britain , and have pleasure in stating and testifying that the Seamen 's Union is one of the best organised and conducted of all unions I have made enquiries into .
10 The brainchild of the Central Scotland Patients ' Association , the group is recruiting members and hopes to be operational by the end of the year at the latest .
11 The hospital team will travel to the disaster area under the banner of the European Wildlife Rehabilitators ' Association .
12 They won the B Division of the European Cup Winners ' Cup last Easter .
13 And after a similar result in the first round of the European Cup Winners ' Cup against Avenir this season , they won 5-1 in Luxembourg .
14 That channel has live coverage of the European Cup Winners ' Cup second round tie clash between Liverpool and Spartak Moscow .
15 Much has changed since 1989 when the first annual Art Show was organised to help members of the prestigious Art Dealers ' Association of America cash in on a booming art market .
16 By inducing an output a in excess of the efficient output Q ' ; , free market equilibrium leads to a social cost equal to the area of the triangle E ' ; EF .
17 By producing the output a instead of the efficient output Q ' ; , free market equilibrium causes a social loss equal to the triangle EFE ' ; .
18 Efforts to counteract the effects of the oil were concentrated on protecting desalination plants — the main source of the western Gulf states ' drinking water .
19 Pierce finishes off with a ghostly version of the great Skip James ' ‘ Hardtime Killin' Floor Blues ’ , one last acoustic cry before the tape runs out and proof positive that the blues has never been in better hands .
20 ( And behind these in the imagination the heavy tomes , eaten away and dusty , of the Dutch still-life masters ' reminders of the vanity of human wishes , of death . )
21 DARIO GRADI , football 's most successful exponent of nurturing young talent , vowed last night to maintain his solitary existence outside of the newly-formed League Managers ' Association .
22 It is the view of the regional ambulance officers ' group that further development of air ambulances should await the outcome of the current evaluation of helicopter ambulances .
23 Following the success of the first Alumni Teachers ' Meeting at the University 's Schools ' Open Day , it is intended that such meetings will become a regular event .
24 Adam Pasco , editor of the new BBC Gardeners ' World , brings you a guide to kitchen crops
25 Such reservation of positions for non-Americans is a divergence from the policies of the other United States ' foreign academies .
26 Gradually , competition between the entrepreneurs as buyers , and again as sellers , will succeed in communicating to market participants a correct estimate of the other market participants ' eagerness to buy and to sell .
27 Veterans of the former Middlesbrough Girls ' Training Corps and the present day Girls Venture Training Corps join forces on Wednesday night at the Marton Country Club for a 50th anniversary .
28 In Vietnam the Soviet Union acquired the use of the former United States ' naval and air facilities at Cam Ranh Bay and Danang under a military cooperation agreement which apparently accompanied the signing of the Soviet-Vietnamese Friendship Treaty in November 1978 .
29 What this pilot survey does illustrate is the widespread use of the community languages in various sectors of economy , public services and other institutions e.g. , the recent growth of the bilingual support teachers ' jobs in schools and the continuing need for bilingual ESL teachers for the adults .
30 Mike Loosley , general secretary of the Inner London Teachers ' Association - the area union branch — said yesterday : ‘ There 's no getting away from the fact that a child sent home on a particular day as a result of our action will be suffering .
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