Example sentences of "of [noun prp] and [verb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Wait until I 've shown you the fabulous coast of Jutland and taken you to the island of Fyn where I was born .
2 Geoffrey Fisher went from Repton to be Bishop of Chester and invited him to be an examining chaplain ; which he accepted — it would mean two or three visits a year — and was surprised to find how friendly Fisher was when they were not in the relation of boy and headmaster .
3 It was suddenly quite impossible to put these living words back into page 300 of Vico and return them to Safe 5 .
4 The next day he reported its receipt to the House of Commons and forwarded it to the Treasury with some papers explaining the background to the competition .
5 It is the cattle dealers and butchers of the town who are of most interest to us , for it was they who took the dog of Rottweil and turned him to their use with great effect .
6 During a week of nightly attacks on foreigners in Saxony on Sept. 17-23 , police had to evacuate some 250 people , mainly from Romania , Yugoslavia , Vietnam and African countries , when right-wing elements including skinheads and neo-Nazis besieged their hostel in the town of Hoyerswerda and pelted them with Molotov cocktails , steel balls and other missiles .
7 By the time her mother rose in an elegant flourish of Pucci and swept her towards the door in that ostentatiously motherly way she had , Jo was in a sulk as deep as the Pacific Trench .
8 It is the characteristic of the Paraclete to bear witness to Jesus , to glorify Jesus , to take the things of Jesus and declare them to us ( John 15:26 , 16:13f ) .
9 The Fenari clan seem 's not to have forgiven or forgotten this slight , for Molla Fenari 's sons later challenged a decision given by Molla Yegan as kadi of Bursa and caused him to be examined by a of the ulema .
10 Thereupon one of the companions of our bishop took a stone which had been blessed by all the people of God and hurled it from his sling after the manner of David .
11 It is the Spirit who takes the things of God and reveals them to us ( 1 Cor. 2:12 ) , and Paul can rightly say that the very capacity to respond in faith is a gift of God and no man-made attribute of which we can boast ( Eph. 2:8 ) .
12 The witches , as the followers of Baal , take the attributes and names of God and give them to other powers or to false gods .
13 He told us on more than one occasion that he could not himself contemplate coming down from the House of Lords and denuding it of himself as well as its leader .
14 In Valentina 's Italian Family Feast ( Conran Octopus , £15.99 ) , TV favourite Valentina Harris takes us on a tour of Italy and introduces us to the food served by her family at parties and other celebrations .
15 For a time he offered his services to Louis VII of France and accompanied him on the second crusade as papal legate in charge of the Anglo-Norman contingent .
16 Sigmar united the human tribes and forged a mighty army to rid the land of Orcs and claim it for his own .
17 He particularly admired the beautiful white spikes of Itea and recommended it for late flowering , a quality which also applied to Clethra alnifolia .
18 He installed a steam engine and boiler from Saverys of Tewkesbury and used it to power three pairs of stones and flour dressing equipment .
19 According to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle A ( s.a. 661 ) , Wulfhere harried Ashdown in 661 , in which year he is also said to have attacked the Isle of Wight and given it to Aethelwealh , king of the southern Saxons .
20 Unix International members such as Sony Corp and Fujitsu developed sample implementations of XIMP and provided them to the X Consortium as contribution software for X11.5 .
21 His 10,000-mile electoral odyssey , which started in Mrs Thatcher 's birthplace of Grantham and took him to more than 60 constituencies , finally brought him to Dulwich , just up the road from his predecessor 's Prime Ministerial bolthole .
22 WHEN Robert Napier bought four acres of Carntyne and added it to his Parkhead Forge , it was to create something that would become a cross between Hell and Armageddon for the thousands who worked there .
23 It is worthwhile , then , to explore what lessons may be drawn from the experiences of CMHTs and relate them to other areas of service .
24 After 30 years away , Denis Pitts returned to the Italian island of Elba and found it to be as beautiful as he remembered
25 Andrée spoke of Saint-Simon and compared him to some English memoirists ; she spoke of the astonishing variety of the classical French novel , La Princesse des Clèves , Adolphe , Les Liaisons Dangereuses .
26 His ordeal came to an end , he told Lord MacLean , only when his abductors burst through a road-block north of Perth and dumped him on the roadside after a high-speed chase along the A9 towards Stirling .
27 His deputy , Robert Forgan , had satisfactory talks with Neil Francis Hawkins about the amalgamation of the New Party with the British Fascists , but the grand council of the British Fascists voted against a merger by one vote in May 1932 after its founder Rotha Lintorn Orman , who was very suspicious of Mosley and regarded him as a near communist , vigorously opposed the change .
28 Since the δ-endotoxin is coded for by a single gene , which is usually carried on a plasmid , it has been relatively easy to locate and clone these genes from a number of strains of Bt and to express them in other organisms .
29 Mr Tsvangirai 's detention came a day after his Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions denounced the government 's closure of the University of Zimbabwe and accused it of unleashing ‘ brutal state force ’ against opponents .
30 He produced the snapshots of Vologsky and held them under Zhukov 's nose .
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