Example sentences of "of [noun prp] [noun] [be] [vb pp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The severely mutilated body of Isabel Lozano was found three days later .
2 Birds are the protagonists of Jean-Luc Mylayne 's photographed imaginary story at Meteo until the end of the month .
3 The spokesman said : ‘ It is worth remembering 85 per cent of the population of South Africa are denied any voting rights .
4 THREE directors of Falkirk FC were ousted last night at a stormy extraordinary general meeting of the club .
5 Moreover , under 1020 the death of Archbishop Lyfing is given first , although it occurred on 12 June , after Cnut 's return to England and the Easter meeting at Cirencester .
6 As the tide sweeps on , the sight of President Ceausescu being applauded 67 times at his party congress — while Mrs Ceausescu sat in grim solitude — only highlights the increasingly anachronistic character of this European North Korea .
7 As the tide sweeps on , the sight of President Ceausescu being applauded 67 times at his party congress — while Mrs Ceausescu sat in grim solitude — only highlights the increasingly anachronistic character of this European North Korea .
8 Both Croatia and the Lebanon objected on the grounds that Sotheby 's had been far from complete in its discovery process , and was trying to slip out from the case before the evidence of Mr Camber was made available .
9 So far as ants are concerned , a single pangolin can eat up to 73 million of them , or termites , in 1 year , while ant eaters on Barro Colorado Island attack termite and Azteca ant nests ; of arboreal nests , 91% of the termite ones and 37% of Azteca nests are attacked each year .
10 With the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls , however , a corpus of Essene material was made available for the first time , and it is now possible to assess the Essenes on their own terms .
11 ( Chapter 1 has already mentioned the classic case of California State being held accountable for not ensuring a minimum achievement for an individual student . )
12 My own suggestion that we were dealing with a whole nest of Mata Haris was declared plausible but incorrect while Team C , consisting of two middle-aged couples , produced two theories , the second of which named me as a potential mole !
13 The body of Christine Campbell was discovered last November , when Mary McCarthy , a resident at the All Travellers Guest House in Swindon , reported blood coming through the ceiling of her room .
14 An argument of Søren Kierkegaard 's expressed this idea in the context of God 's goodness , but the idea could equally well be applied to His existence .
15 The tragedy of Oedipus Rex was given archetypal significance by Freud when he claimed it encapsulated the universal unconscious wish of young boys to dispense with their fathers in order to establish an exclusive claim upon their mothers .
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