Example sentences of "of [adv] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The invisibility of women in the sociology of work is guaranteed by the choice of predominantly masculine jobs in research design .
2 They concluded that there were a number of rather different sorts of town and city in Britain with dramatically varying levels of high-status jobs , social-welfare and educational provision .
3 The Mendeleev Table appeared at first sight to conclude the study of the atomic theory by setting a limit to the existence of fundamentally different kinds of matter .
4 My Lords , the code which first made it a criminal offence to drive a motor vehicle with an amount of alcohol in the body exceeding a fixed statutory limit ( introduced by the Road Safety Act 1967 and re-enacted in the consolidating Road Traffic Act 1972 ) was found in course of judicial construction to have been drafted in a way which afforded to many drunken drivers a variety of wholly unmeritorious avenues of escape from conviction .
5 Reverting now to spatio-temporal relations , the assumption of their irreducibility to monadic predicates is linked with the assumption that they depict an objective order , and if such relations are taken to depict an objective order , then it is clear that we shall have to assume the possibility of a plurality of biographically distinct points of view , occupied by different percipients , before we can make any significant inferences about the ontological distinguishability of their terms .
6 Apparently forged from a mad mixture of screamingly right-on individuals from West Coast hardcore outfits , Rage Against The Machine are everything millions of moshpit enthusiasts have come to expect from music , only several times better .
7 The Bush administration responded by prohibiting the use of dead fetal tissues for research of any kind in institutions supported by federal funds .
8 It certainly seems to escape the circularity inherent in a Kantian attempt to link the particularity of entities with the numerical identity of the places that such entities occupy in a general spatio-temporal framework , which only leads to the problem of having to presuppose the existence of numerically identical entities in order to be able to refer to identical places .
9 Whatever display and interaction techniques are used , it seems clear that a system which aims to satisfy the widely differing needs of widely differing types of user must already incorporate some degree of adaptivity .
10 There were all these different characters pursuing activities of vastly varying degrees of dodginess .
11 I merely wish to draw attention to the long chain of wrongly dated groups of pottery , each in turn dependent on the other , all the result of the false assumption that a few coins were contemporary with this deposit , whereas they were either residual or still in circulation , and in neither case have a relevance in establishing a terminus post quem .
12 For the most part they took over existing routes , though in the hillier parts of the country they were responsible for the making of entirely new stretches of road where the older roads tackled gradients suitable only for foot-passengers and pack-horses .
13 They can encourage the development of entirely new forms of warehousing and distribution reliant on road transport , resulting in further environmental impact .
14 Does the agreement by EEC states , albeit belated and as yet incomplete , to a series of apparently liberal Directives on competition and trade add up to a victory for the British view of what the Single Market should be about ?
15 And indeed in some cases of conversation , the maintenance of rapport , the sharing of affective territory , the achievement of mutually acceptable states of mind is not the means towards an effective communicative transaction but the very object of the interaction itself .
16 Guinness uniquely among brewers , has demonstrated the ability and flexibility to form a variety of mutually rewarding partnerships with organisation both inside and outside the brewing industry .
17 This was the result of the expectations of inadequate and wavering returns , because of gently deteriorating terms of trade between primary products and manufactures , and fear of investing in politically volatile , or potentially volatile , Third World countries .
18 Its use in other groups of patients is likely to remain controversial , particularly with the introduction of less invasive methods of cholecystectomy , such as minicholecystectomy and laparoscopic cholecystectomy .
19 The creation of the Non-Aligned Movement in 1961 represented an attempt to co-ordinate the responses of less powerful states to superpower pressure through the establishment of a ‘ third way ’ — an independent posture aligned to neither the capitalist West nor the communist East .
20 Combining with other interests of broadly similar aims in affiliation to , or support of , a political party significantly strengthens the political clout of a particular group .
21 It is a tactical device for breaking down any one market into a number of separately identifiable sub-markets in order to be able to reach that sub-market ( or segment ) with a particular marketing mix .
22 To ask the Minister of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food what specific grants are available to farmers to encourage the adoption of environmentally sound practices on agriculture .
23 One frequently-cited piece of evidence is that of desperately low yields for cereal crops ( even as low as one measure reaped for one measure sown — compare modern farmers ' ratios of up to 18:1 ) suggested by a fragment of an inventory of the royal estate of Annappes during Charlemagne 's reign .
24 The director responsible for recruitment at a leading French bank spoke of generally successful placements through search , but warned that choosing the wrong headhunter could be a disastrous mistake .
25 From this overwhelming fact — signalled , be it remembered , most dramatically by Marx — have sprung a great number of the achievements , problems and conflicts of the late twentieth century : economic growth and the attainment of generally high standards of living , sustained partly by extensive welfare services , in the industrial countries ; the rapid growth of world population , due in part to vastly improved medical services ; changes in the structure of capitalism towards a more ‘ organized ’ form , and in the class system ; revisions of the socialist alternative , to some extent as a result of the relative success of ‘ welfare capitalism ’ ; the North-South divide ; the impact of population growth and industrialization on the environment ; and the shifting balance of economic power in the world .
26 It is important to remember , however , that the village has declined in significance as a social centre for even the ‘ locals ’ among the population , thanks to the growth of largely privatized forms of leisure , such as television .
27 However , the Yates decision should not be regarded as authority for the proposition that a collection of individually non-confidential items of information can not be the subject of confidentiality where the confidentiality lies in the fact that they are collected together .
28 Such examples suggest a strong case for claiming that the existence of deeply different forms of life constitutes a formidable barrier to a theory of international relations .
29 He agreed with Coningham 's protest against Gothic : ‘ it is going back to the barbarism of the dark ages ’ , and he could not see why all the buildings in the area should be the same style , as the ‘ neighbourhood of Downing Street is full of buildings of totally different styles of architecture ’ .
30 Viewed in perspective , the planning enthusiasm of the 1930s and 1940s represented the fusion of still vital forces of optimism and social idealism with the scientific and technocratic spirit of the twentieth century .
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