Example sentences of "of [adv] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The invisibility of women in the sociology of work is guaranteed by the choice of predominantly masculine jobs in research design .
2 It covered at least 22,000 square metres and possibly twice that area , consisting of rather irregular blocks of houses separated by cobbled streets .
3 They concluded that there were a number of rather different sorts of town and city in Britain with dramatically varying levels of high-status jobs , social-welfare and educational provision .
4 The Mendeleev Table appeared at first sight to conclude the study of the atomic theory by setting a limit to the existence of fundamentally different kinds of matter .
5 My Lords , the code which first made it a criminal offence to drive a motor vehicle with an amount of alcohol in the body exceeding a fixed statutory limit ( introduced by the Road Safety Act 1967 and re-enacted in the consolidating Road Traffic Act 1972 ) was found in course of judicial construction to have been drafted in a way which afforded to many drunken drivers a variety of wholly unmeritorious avenues of escape from conviction .
6 Reverting now to spatio-temporal relations , the assumption of their irreducibility to monadic predicates is linked with the assumption that they depict an objective order , and if such relations are taken to depict an objective order , then it is clear that we shall have to assume the possibility of a plurality of biographically distinct points of view , occupied by different percipients , before we can make any significant inferences about the ontological distinguishability of their terms .
7 Apparently forged from a mad mixture of screamingly right-on individuals from West Coast hardcore outfits , Rage Against The Machine are everything millions of moshpit enthusiasts have come to expect from music , only several times better .
8 The Bush administration responded by prohibiting the use of dead fetal tissues for research of any kind in institutions supported by federal funds .
9 It certainly seems to escape the circularity inherent in a Kantian attempt to link the particularity of entities with the numerical identity of the places that such entities occupy in a general spatio-temporal framework , which only leads to the problem of having to presuppose the existence of numerically identical entities in order to be able to refer to identical places .
10 The board processes themselves often do not work , so one often hears the remark : the company policy is X , but of course I am not personally in support of this , I believe we should be doing Y. Since industrial success depends totally on getting the concentration of effort of widely differing groups of people with different skills to be applied at optimum effect to the achievement of the common goal , it is not difficult to see why such disparate messages strike at one 's heart and give one a more than usual dose of despair .
11 Whatever display and interaction techniques are used , it seems clear that a system which aims to satisfy the widely differing needs of widely differing types of user must already incorporate some degree of adaptivity .
12 There were all these different characters pursuing activities of vastly varying degrees of dodginess .
13 While 73 per cent of economically active heads of households in the General Household Survey of 1980 had one or more cars , the fact remains that three in five adults even in car-owning households do not drive , and many more do not have a car available for use during the daytime ( Hillman and Whalley 1977 ) .
14 I merely wish to draw attention to the long chain of wrongly dated groups of pottery , each in turn dependent on the other , all the result of the false assumption that a few coins were contemporary with this deposit , whereas they were either residual or still in circulation , and in neither case have a relevance in establishing a terminus post quem .
15 For the most part they took over existing routes , though in the hillier parts of the country they were responsible for the making of entirely new stretches of road where the older roads tackled gradients suitable only for foot-passengers and pack-horses .
16 They can encourage the development of entirely new forms of warehousing and distribution reliant on road transport , resulting in further environmental impact .
17 After beginning to interview people in depth , I realised that , to explain this juxtaposition of apparently contradictory values within individuals , I needed to go beyond the conceptual framework set by clinicians and sociologists alike .
18 Does the agreement by EEC states , albeit belated and as yet incomplete , to a series of apparently liberal Directives on competition and trade add up to a victory for the British view of what the Single Market should be about ?
19 ( Here , as we have previously noted , we should beware of confusing the methods of philosophy , and also those of the ‘ humanities ’ generally , with those of the natural sciences where the aim is to explain the behaviour of apparently diverse phenomena in terms of general laws ; the more general , the more fruitful . )
20 Those points of apparently incommensurable differences between groups , classes , nations , races , or whatever have been negotiated hesitantly and all too oft en anonymously by the outcasts and the deprived from either side .
21 Secondly , the torts considered in this chapter may also come into question in cases of alleged unlawful competition between traders , but in practice they are of little significance because of the common law 's refusal to adopt any principle of ‘ fair competition ’ other than the prohibition of obviously unlawful acts like torts and crimes and breaches of contract .
22 And indeed in some cases of conversation , the maintenance of rapport , the sharing of affective territory , the achievement of mutually acceptable states of mind is not the means towards an effective communicative transaction but the very object of the interaction itself .
23 Guinness uniquely among brewers , has demonstrated the ability and flexibility to form a variety of mutually rewarding partnerships with organisation both inside and outside the brewing industry .
24 This was the result of the expectations of inadequate and wavering returns , because of gently deteriorating terms of trade between primary products and manufactures , and fear of investing in politically volatile , or potentially volatile , Third World countries .
25 But where Cluster Analysis can show the existence of sufficiently large groupings of respondents , or product/benefit requirements which have similar attribute sets , then these may be used as MARKETING TARGETS , if the benefits of selling into them are likely to exceed the cost .
26 Experience of this nature may reduce the reliance of less developed countries on goods imported from abroad ; local manufacturers may be able to satisfy local market needs by intelligent marketing , and thus gain a larger share of the local market than before , with consequent results for local levels of production and the economy generally .
27 Its use in other groups of patients is likely to remain controversial , particularly with the introduction of less invasive methods of cholecystectomy , such as minicholecystectomy and laparoscopic cholecystectomy .
28 The creation of the Non-Aligned Movement in 1961 represented an attempt to co-ordinate the responses of less powerful states to superpower pressure through the establishment of a ‘ third way ’ — an independent posture aligned to neither the capitalist West nor the communist East .
29 It is her work which has been the target of investigations by the National Institutes of Health ( NIH ) and a House subcommittee chaired by Congressman John Dingell , and of less formal inquiries at MIT and Tufts University Medical School , in Boston , where she now works .
30 Second , the 20 years from the mid-fifties provided a period of only marginal differences in programmes both from election to election and between the parties .
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